blob: 458a348d9b4a563ac2991a33298a15f4ebda1f39 [file] [log] [blame]
Serge Bazanski08080342021-06-21 14:05:56 +00001{
2 // The following options are defaults taken verbatim from Factorio 1.1.35
3 // headless' map-settings.example.json, with the following changes:
4 // - field names unquoted where possible
5 // - pseudo-comments converted to jsonnet comments
6 // - comments reflowed to fit 80 columns
8 difficulty_settings:
9 {
10 recipe_difficulty: 0,
11 technology_difficulty: 0,
12 technology_price_multiplier: 1,
13 research_queue_setting: "after-victory"
14 },
15 pollution:
16 {
17 enabled: true,
18 // these are values for 60 ticks (1 simulated second)
19 // amount that is diffused to neighboring chunk
20 diffusion_ratio: 0.02,
21 min_to_diffuse: 15,
22 ageing: 1,
23 expected_max_per_chunk: 150,
24 min_to_show_per_chunk: 50,
25 min_pollution_to_damage_trees: 60,
26 pollution_with_max_forest_damage: 150,
27 pollution_per_tree_damage: 50,
28 pollution_restored_per_tree_damage: 10,
29 max_pollution_to_restore_trees: 20,
30 enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier: 1
31 },
32 enemy_evolution:
33 {
34 enabled: true,
35 time_factor: 0.000004,
36 destroy_factor: 0.002,
37 pollution_factor: 0.0000009
38 },
39 enemy_expansion:
40 {
41 enabled: true,
42 min_base_spacing: 3,
43 max_expansion_distance: 7,
44 friendly_base_influence_radius: 2,
45 enemy_building_influence_radius: 2,
46 building_coefficient: 0.1,
47 other_base_coefficient: 2.0,
48 neighbouring_chunk_coefficient: 0.5,
49 neighbouring_base_chunk_coefficient: 0.4,
50 max_colliding_tiles_coefficient: 0.9,
51 settler_group_min_size: 5,
52 settler_group_max_size: 20,
53 min_expansion_cooldown: 14400,
54 max_expansion_cooldown: 216000
55 },
56 unit_group:
57 {
58 min_group_gathering_time: 3600,
59 max_group_gathering_time: 36000,
60 max_wait_time_for_late_members: 7200,
61 max_group_radius: 30.0,
62 min_group_radius: 5.0,
63 max_member_speedup_when_behind: 1.4,
64 max_member_slowdown_when_ahead: 0.6,
65 max_group_slowdown_factor: 0.3,
66 max_group_member_fallback_factor: 3,
67 member_disown_distance: 10,
68 tick_tolerance_when_member_arrives: 60,
69 max_gathering_unit_groups: 30,
70 max_unit_group_size: 200
71 },
72 steering:
73 {
74 default:
75 {
76 radius: 1.2,
77 separation_force: 0.005,
78 separation_factor: 1.2,
79 force_unit_fuzzy_goto_behavior: false
80 },
81 moving:
82 {
83 radius: 3,
84 separation_force: 0.01,
85 separation_factor: 3,
86 force_unit_fuzzy_goto_behavior: false
87 }
88 },
89 path_finder:
90 {
91 fwd2bwd_ratio: 5,
92 goal_pressure_ratio: 2,
93 max_steps_worked_per_tick: 100,
94 max_work_done_per_tick: 8000,
95 use_path_cache: true,
96 short_cache_size: 5,
97 long_cache_size: 25,
98 short_cache_min_cacheable_distance: 10,
99 short_cache_min_algo_steps_to_cache: 50,
100 long_cache_min_cacheable_distance: 30,
101 cache_max_connect_to_cache_steps_multiplier: 100,
102 cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio: 0.2,
103 cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio: 0.15,
104 negative_cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio: 0.3,
105 negative_cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio: 0.3,
106 cache_path_start_distance_rating_multiplier: 10,
107 cache_path_end_distance_rating_multiplier: 20,
108 stale_enemy_with_same_destination_collision_penalty: 30,
109 ignore_moving_enemy_collision_distance: 5,
110 enemy_with_different_destination_collision_penalty: 30,
111 general_entity_collision_penalty: 10,
112 general_entity_subsequent_collision_penalty: 3,
113 extended_collision_penalty: 3,
114 max_clients_to_accept_any_new_request: 10,
115 max_clients_to_accept_short_new_request: 100,
116 direct_distance_to_consider_short_request: 100,
117 short_request_max_steps: 1000,
118 short_request_ratio: 0.5,
119 min_steps_to_check_path_find_termination: 2000,
120 start_to_goal_cost_multiplier_to_terminate_path_find: 500.0,
121 overload_levels: [0, 100, 500],
122 overload_multipliers: [2, 3, 4],
123 negative_path_cache_delay_interval: 20
124 },
125 max_failed_behavior_count: 3