blob: dcc181b205f00839a72d032bf4f13457cad00b8e [file] [log] [blame]
Serge Bazanski2414afe2021-05-24 15:08:06 +02001// Deploys identd, an ident protocol (RFC1413) service on all cluster nodes.
3// See //cluster/identd for more information about the service and how it
4// works.
6// Deployment notes:
7// - We run the service within the host network namespace, as that's the only
8// way to reliably route traffic destined for a given node into a service
9// running on that node. We could use NodePort services, but low-numbered
10// ports are denied by kubelet with out current configuration.
11// - We pass the host containerd socket to the service, and the service runs
12// as root. This means that the service basically has root on the machine.
13// The fact that it's directly exposed to the Internet isn't great, but the
14// only alternative seems to to split this up into two services - one
15// responsible for maintaining the state of translations/pods (running as
16// root), another responding to the actual queries. Considering this is Go
17// and we run a bare minimum of code (no mirko default service), this is
18// probably good enough and not worth the extra complexity.
19// - The service has to be able to resolve the node IP on which it's running,
20// to know what address to look up in the conntrack table. Currently it does
21// so by connection to the k8s API and getting information about its own pod
22// and then getting the node's IP address from there.
23// This might be overly complicated, as perhaps we can
24// 1. figure out the server IP from the incoming ident connections, or
25// 2. find a better way to retrieve the nodeIP via the 'downstream API'
26// TODO(q3k): figure this out.
28local kube = import "../../../kube/kube.libsonnet";
29local policies = import "../../../kube/policies.libsonnet";
32 Environment: {
33 local env = self,
34 local cfg = env.cfg,
35 cfg:: {
36 namespace: "identd",
37 image: "",
38 },
40 namespace: kube.Namespace(cfg.namespace),
41 local ns = self.namespace,
43 allowInsecure: policies.AllowNamespaceInsecure(cfg.namespace),
45 sa: ns.Contain(kube.ServiceAccount("identd")),
46 role: ns.Contain(kube.Role("access-pod-info")) {
47 rules: [
48 {
49 apiGroups: [""],
50 resources: ["pods"],
51 verbs: ["get"],
52 },
53 ],
54 },
55 rb: ns.Contain(kube.RoleBinding("identd")) {
56 roleRef_: env.role,
57 subjects_: [],
58 },
60 daemonset: ns.Contain(kube.DaemonSet("identd")) {
61 spec+: {
62 template+: {
63 spec+: {
64 serviceAccountName:,
65 hostNetwork: true,
66 containers_: {
67 default: kube.Container("default") {
68 image: cfg.image,
69 env_: {
70 POD_NAME: kube.FieldRef(""),
71 POD_NAMESPACE: kube.FieldRef("metadata.namespace"),
72 },
73 command: [
74 "/cluster/identd/identd",
75 "-identd_listen", "",
76 "-identd_conntrack_proc", "/host/conntrack",
77 "-identd_containerd_socket", "/host/containerd.sock",
78 // Used by the service to figure out which
79 // node it's running on.
80 "-identd_pod_name", "$(POD_NAME)",
81 "-identd_pod_namespace", "$(POD_NAMESPACE)",
82 "-logtostderr",
83 ],
84 volumeMounts_: {
85 conntrack: { mountPath: "/host/conntrack", },
86 containerd: { mountPath: "/host/containerd.sock", },
87 },
88 resources: {
89 requests: {
90 cpu: "0.1",
91 memory: "64M",
92 },
93 // Allow identd to spike to 1 CPU. This
94 // makes it faster when fetching
95 // information from containerd.
96 limits: {
97 cpu: "1",
98 memory: "256M",
99 },
100 },
101 },
102 },
103 volumes_: {
104 conntrack: kube.HostPathVolume("/proc/net/nf_conntrack", "File"),
105 containerd: kube.HostPathVolume("/var/run/containerd/containerd.sock", "Socket"),
106 },
107 },
108 },
109 },
110 },
111 }