blob: 9765a53f74db5e91b4d3a26da49d0d9e72e0e1ec [file] [log] [blame]
Serge Bazanskicc25bdf2018-10-25 14:02:58 +02001// +build windows
3package wmi
5import (
6 "fmt"
7 "reflect"
8 "runtime"
9 "sync"
11 ""
12 ""
15// SWbemServices is used to access wmi. See
16type SWbemServices struct {
17 //TODO: track namespace. Not sure if we can re connect to a different namespace using the same instance
18 cWMIClient *Client //This could also be an embedded struct, but then we would need to branch on Client vs SWbemServices in the Query method
19 sWbemLocatorIUnknown *ole.IUnknown
20 sWbemLocatorIDispatch *ole.IDispatch
21 queries chan *queryRequest
22 closeError chan error
23 lQueryorClose sync.Mutex
26type queryRequest struct {
27 query string
28 dst interface{}
29 args []interface{}
30 finished chan error
33// InitializeSWbemServices will return a new SWbemServices object that can be used to query WMI
34func InitializeSWbemServices(c *Client, connectServerArgs ...interface{}) (*SWbemServices, error) {
35 //fmt.Println("InitializeSWbemServices: Starting")
36 //TODO: implement connectServerArgs as optional argument for init with connectServer call
37 s := new(SWbemServices)
38 s.cWMIClient = c
39 s.queries = make(chan *queryRequest)
40 initError := make(chan error)
41 go s.process(initError)
43 err, ok := <-initError
44 if ok {
45 return nil, err //Send error to caller
46 }
47 //fmt.Println("InitializeSWbemServices: Finished")
48 return s, nil
51// Close will clear and release all of the SWbemServices resources
52func (s *SWbemServices) Close() error {
53 s.lQueryorClose.Lock()
54 if s == nil || s.sWbemLocatorIDispatch == nil {
55 s.lQueryorClose.Unlock()
56 return fmt.Errorf("SWbemServices is not Initialized")
57 }
58 if s.queries == nil {
59 s.lQueryorClose.Unlock()
60 return fmt.Errorf("SWbemServices has been closed")
61 }
62 //fmt.Println("Close: sending close request")
63 var result error
64 ce := make(chan error)
65 s.closeError = ce //Race condition if multiple callers to close. May need to lock here
66 close(s.queries) //Tell background to shut things down
67 s.lQueryorClose.Unlock()
68 err, ok := <-ce
69 if ok {
70 result = err
71 }
72 //fmt.Println("Close: finished")
73 return result
76func (s *SWbemServices) process(initError chan error) {
77 //fmt.Println("process: starting background thread initialization")
78 //All OLE/WMI calls must happen on the same initialized thead, so lock this goroutine
79 runtime.LockOSThread()
80 defer runtime.LockOSThread()
82 err := ole.CoInitializeEx(0, ole.COINIT_MULTITHREADED)
83 if err != nil {
84 oleCode := err.(*ole.OleError).Code()
85 if oleCode != ole.S_OK && oleCode != S_FALSE {
86 initError <- fmt.Errorf("ole.CoInitializeEx error: %v", err)
87 return
88 }
89 }
90 defer ole.CoUninitialize()
92 unknown, err := oleutil.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
93 if err != nil {
94 initError <- fmt.Errorf("CreateObject SWbemLocator error: %v", err)
95 return
96 } else if unknown == nil {
97 initError <- ErrNilCreateObject
98 return
99 }
100 defer unknown.Release()
101 s.sWbemLocatorIUnknown = unknown
103 dispatch, err := s.sWbemLocatorIUnknown.QueryInterface(ole.IID_IDispatch)
104 if err != nil {
105 initError <- fmt.Errorf("SWbemLocator QueryInterface error: %v", err)
106 return
107 }
108 defer dispatch.Release()
109 s.sWbemLocatorIDispatch = dispatch
111 // we can't do the ConnectServer call outside the loop unless we find a way to track and re-init the connectServerArgs
112 //fmt.Println("process: initialized. closing initError")
113 close(initError)
114 //fmt.Println("process: waiting for queries")
115 for q := range s.queries {
116 //fmt.Printf("process: new query: len(query)=%d\n", len(q.query))
117 errQuery := s.queryBackground(q)
118 //fmt.Println("process: s.queryBackground finished")
119 if errQuery != nil {
120 q.finished <- errQuery
121 }
122 close(q.finished)
123 }
124 //fmt.Println("process: queries channel closed")
125 s.queries = nil //set channel to nil so we know it is closed
126 //TODO: I think the Release/Clear calls can panic if things are in a bad state.
127 //TODO: May need to recover from panics and send error to method caller instead.
128 close(s.closeError)
131// Query runs the WQL query using a SWbemServices instance and appends the values to dst.
133// dst must have type *[]S or *[]*S, for some struct type S. Fields selected in
134// the query must have the same name in dst. Supported types are all signed and
135// unsigned integers, time.Time, string, bool, or a pointer to one of those.
136// Array types are not supported.
138// By default, the local machine and default namespace are used. These can be
139// changed using connectServerArgs. See
140// for details.
141func (s *SWbemServices) Query(query string, dst interface{}, connectServerArgs ...interface{}) error {
142 s.lQueryorClose.Lock()
143 if s == nil || s.sWbemLocatorIDispatch == nil {
144 s.lQueryorClose.Unlock()
145 return fmt.Errorf("SWbemServices is not Initialized")
146 }
147 if s.queries == nil {
148 s.lQueryorClose.Unlock()
149 return fmt.Errorf("SWbemServices has been closed")
150 }
152 //fmt.Println("Query: Sending query request")
153 qr := queryRequest{
154 query: query,
155 dst: dst,
156 args: connectServerArgs,
157 finished: make(chan error),
158 }
159 s.queries <- &qr
160 s.lQueryorClose.Unlock()
161 err, ok := <-qr.finished
162 if ok {
163 //fmt.Println("Query: Finished with error")
164 return err //Send error to caller
165 }
166 //fmt.Println("Query: Finished")
167 return nil
170func (s *SWbemServices) queryBackground(q *queryRequest) error {
171 if s == nil || s.sWbemLocatorIDispatch == nil {
172 return fmt.Errorf("SWbemServices is not Initialized")
173 }
174 wmi := s.sWbemLocatorIDispatch //Should just rename in the code, but this will help as we break things apart
175 //fmt.Println("queryBackground: Starting")
177 dv := reflect.ValueOf(q.dst)
178 if dv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || dv.IsNil() {
179 return ErrInvalidEntityType
180 }
181 dv = dv.Elem()
182 mat, elemType := checkMultiArg(dv)
183 if mat == multiArgTypeInvalid {
184 return ErrInvalidEntityType
185 }
187 // service is a SWbemServices
188 serviceRaw, err := oleutil.CallMethod(wmi, "ConnectServer", q.args...)
189 if err != nil {
190 return err
191 }
192 service := serviceRaw.ToIDispatch()
193 defer serviceRaw.Clear()
195 // result is a SWBemObjectSet
196 resultRaw, err := oleutil.CallMethod(service, "ExecQuery", q.query)
197 if err != nil {
198 return err
199 }
200 result := resultRaw.ToIDispatch()
201 defer resultRaw.Clear()
203 count, err := oleInt64(result, "Count")
204 if err != nil {
205 return err
206 }
208 enumProperty, err := result.GetProperty("_NewEnum")
209 if err != nil {
210 return err
211 }
212 defer enumProperty.Clear()
214 enum, err := enumProperty.ToIUnknown().IEnumVARIANT(ole.IID_IEnumVariant)
215 if err != nil {
216 return err
217 }
218 if enum == nil {
219 return fmt.Errorf("can't get IEnumVARIANT, enum is nil")
220 }
221 defer enum.Release()
223 // Initialize a slice with Count capacity
224 dv.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(dv.Type(), 0, int(count)))
226 var errFieldMismatch error
227 for itemRaw, length, err := enum.Next(1); length > 0; itemRaw, length, err = enum.Next(1) {
228 if err != nil {
229 return err
230 }
232 err := func() error {
233 // item is a SWbemObject, but really a Win32_Process
234 item := itemRaw.ToIDispatch()
235 defer item.Release()
237 ev := reflect.New(elemType)
238 if err = s.cWMIClient.loadEntity(ev.Interface(), item); err != nil {
239 if _, ok := err.(*ErrFieldMismatch); ok {
240 // We continue loading entities even in the face of field mismatch errors.
241 // If we encounter any other error, that other error is returned. Otherwise,
242 // an ErrFieldMismatch is returned.
243 errFieldMismatch = err
244 } else {
245 return err
246 }
247 }
248 if mat != multiArgTypeStructPtr {
249 ev = ev.Elem()
250 }
251 dv.Set(reflect.Append(dv, ev))
252 return nil
253 }()
254 if err != nil {
255 return err
256 }
257 }
258 //fmt.Println("queryBackground: Finished")
259 return errFieldMismatch