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Serge Bazanskied27a8b2021-05-12 22:14:02 +02001doctype html
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4 title Cebulacamp 2020
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11 header.hero
12 h1 Kongres Komunikacyjny Cebula 2020
13 h2 Testing in production
14 p.acc0 2020/11/13 - 2020/11/15
15 p.acc1 Hotel Orle, Gdańsk
16 p Three days of under-organized hacking and talking in a hotel in northern Poland. We might talk about the Polish hacker scene. We might get technical. We might even speak mostly Polish, but we'll do our best to welcome people who don't speak encrypted. We're friendly.
17 p.acc2 But, most importantly, we will have a bonfire with kiełbaski. Hopefully even vegan ones. Join us!
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21 img(src="cebula2020.jpeg")
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26 h2 Tickets
28 p Get your tickets now at <a href=""></a>.
30 p An all-inclusive ticket (bed in shared room for two nights, food for three days) is 500 PLN. If you want a solo room, or to share a room with someone in particular, contact <a href=""></a>, or (once you bought your ticket) <a href=""></a>.
32 p
33 img(src="hotel-orle.jpg").hotel-pic
35 p Has a kind of vintage glare to it, eh? Totally legit!
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40 h2 CFP
42 p Yes, there will be some talks. No, they won't be very formal.
44 p Please take part in Cebula Camp! <a href="">Submit your talks</a>, or, <a href="">Look at Sneak Peaks</a>.
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49 h2 Contact
51 p Reach the organizers at <a href=""></a>. Reach the hotel (in case of room requests, etc) at <a href=""></a>, and CC if you so with.
53 p irc: #cebulacamp on Freenode
55 p Cebula Camp is an inclusive event. Be excellent to each other, or stay home. Harassment and discrimination are not welcome or tolerated, online or AFK. If you're a subject, observer, or third-party to any of these, please, get in touch, write to <a href=""></a> or <a href="">q3k personally</a>.