blob: dbdbebb1c9ae30d5a4644e275ba84a9f57ff0b01 [file] [log] [blame]
Serge Bazanski363bf4f2020-08-24 21:00:56 +02001local kube = import "../../../kube/kube.libsonnet";
4 // Global sets up a global tier instance of the hscloud monitoring infrastructure.
5 //
6 // This currently consists of Victoria Metrics, to which the agent tier sends metrics data via
7 // the prometheus remote_write protocol.
8 // Victoria Metrics is here used as a long-term storage solution. However, right now, it
9 // just keeps data locally on disk. In the future, S3 snapshots/backups should be introduced.
10 Global(name):: {
11 local global = self,
12 local cfg = global.cfg,
14 cfg:: {
15 name: name,
16 namespace: "monitoring-global-%s" % [],
18 images: {
19 victoria: "victoriametrics/victoria-metrics:v1.40.0",
20 vmauth: "victoriametrics/vmauth:v1.40.0",
21 },
23 hosts: {
24 // DNS hostname that this global tier will use. Ingress will run under it.
25 globalAPI: error "hosts.globalAPI must be set",
26 },
28 storageClasses: {
29 // Storage class used for main data retention.
30 victoria: error "storageClasses.victoria must be set",
31 },
33 // A list of agents that will push metrics to this instance.
34 // List of:
35 // {
36 // username: the username that the agent will authenticate with
37 // password: the password that the agent will authenticate with
38 // }
39 agents: [],
40 },
42 // Generated URLs that agents should use to ship metrics over. Both require HTTP basic
43 // auth, configured via cfg.agents.
44 // The internal URL should be used for agents colocated in the same Kubernetes cluster.
45 internalIngestURL:: "http://%s/api/v1/write" % [global.victoria.serviceAPI.host_colon_port],
46 // The glboal URL should be used for agents sending data over the internet.
47 globalIngestURL:: "https://%s/api/v1/write" % [cfg.hosts.globalAPI],
49 namespace: kube.Namespace(cfg.namespace),
50 local ns = global.namespace,
52 victoria: {
53 local victoria = self,
55 pvc: ns.Contain(kube.PersistentVolumeClaim("victoria-data")) {
56 spec+: {
57 storageClassName: cfg.storageClasses.victoria,
58 accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"],
59 resources: {
60 requests: {
61 storage: "64Gi",
62 },
63 },
64 },
65 },
67 authSecret: ns.Contain(kube.Secret("vmauth")) {
68 data+: {
69 "config.yaml": std.base64(std.manifestJson({
70 users: [
71 {
72 username: a.username,
73 password: a.password,
74 url_prefix: "http://localhost:8428",
75 }
76 for a in cfg.agents
77 ],
78 }) + "\n")
79 },
80 },
82 deploy: ns.Contain(kube.Deployment("victoria")) {
83 spec+: {
84 template+: {
85 spec+: {
86 containers_: {
87 default: kube.Container("default") {
88 image: cfg.images.victoria,
89 volumeMounts_: {
90 data: { mountPath: "/victoria-metrics-data", },
91 },
92 },
93 vmauth: kube.Container("vmauth") {
94 image: cfg.images.vmauth,
95 command: [
96 "/vmauth-prod",
97 "-auth.config", "/mnt/secret/config.yaml",
98 ],
99 volumeMounts_: {
100 secret: { mountPath: "/mnt/secret", },
101 },
102 ports_: {
103 api: { containerPort: 8427 }
104 },
105 }
106 },
107 volumes_: {
108 data: kube.PersistentVolumeClaimVolume(victoria.pvc),
109 secret: kube.SecretVolume(victoria.authSecret),
110 },
111 },
112 },
113 },
114 },
116 serviceAPI: ns.Contain(kube.Service("victoria-api")) {
117 target_pod: victoria.deploy.spec.template,
118 spec+: {
119 ports: [
120 { name: "api", port: 8427, targetPort: 8427, protocol: "TCP" },
121 ],
122 type: "ClusterIP",
123 },
124 },
126 ingressAPI: ns.Contain(kube.Ingress("victoria-api")) {
127 metadata+: {
128 annotations+: {
129 "": "true",
130 "": "letsencrypt-prod",
131 },
132 },
133 spec+: {
134 tls: [
135 { hosts: [cfg.hosts.globalAPI], secretName: "ingress-tls" },
136 ],
137 rules: [
138 {
139 host: cfg.hosts.globalAPI,
140 http: {
141 paths: [ { path: "/", backend: { serviceName:, servicePort: 8427 } }, ],
142 },
143 }
144 ],
145 },
146 },
147 },
148 }