blob: eb0893511a87bd65dccdf550971881f007f711da [file] [log] [blame]
# Matrix server (synapse).
# This needs a secret provisioned, create with:
# ns=matrix
# SIGNING_KEY="$(kubectl run -n $ns -i --quiet --restart=Never --rm synapse-generate-config --image=matrixdotorg/synapse:v1.19.2 --env SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME=dummy --env SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS=no -o yaml --command -- sh -c '/ generate >/dev/null && cat /data/*.signing.key')"
# kubectl -n $ns create secret generic synapse --from-literal=postgres_password=$(pwgen 24 1) --from-literal=macaroon_secret_key=$(pwgen 32 1) --from-literal=registration_shared_secret=$(pwgen 32 1) --from-literal=homeserver_signing_key="$SIGNING_KEY" --from-literal=redis_password=$(pwgen 32 1) --from-literal=worker_replication_secret=$(pwgen 32 1)
# kubectl -n $ns create secret generic oauth2-cas-proxy --from-literal=oauth2_secret=...
# When migrating from matrix.libsonnet, instance signing key, redis passwsord
# and worker replication secret need to be added to existing synapse secret:
# echo "homeserver_signing_key: $(kubectl -n $ns exec deploy/synapse -- sh -c 'cat /data/*.signing.key' | base64 -w0)"
# echo "redis_password: $(pwgen 32 1 | tr -d '\n' | base64 -w0)"
# echo "worker_replication_secret: $(pwgen 32 1 | tr -d '\n' | base64 -w0)"
# kubectl -n $ns edit secret synapse
# # ...add homeserver_signing_key, redis_password and worker_replication_secret keys
# Additionally some resources need to be explicitly removed due to
# label/annotations changes:
# kubectl -n $ns delete deployment riot-web oauth2-cas-proxy wellknown synapse
# Some service configuration customization fields have been renamed:
# .riotConfig → .riot.config
# .synapseConfig → .synapse.config
# When migrating from CAS to OpenID Connect authentication scheme following need
# to be ensured:
# * https://{homeserver}/_synapse/oidc/callback is added to allowed callback URLs list
# * openid scope is enabled for configured client
# In order to deploy matrix-media-repo as a replacement for synapse built-in
# media workers the following steps need to be carried out:
# 1. Generate password and bootstrap extra postgres user
# pwgen 32 1 > secrets/plain/media-repo-$ns-postgres
# echo "create database mediarepo; create user mediarepo with password '$(cat secrets/plain/media-repo-$ns-postgres)'; grant all privileges on database mediarepo to mediarepo;" | kubectl -n $ns exec -it deploy/waw3-postgres psql
# secretstore sync secrets
# 2. Fetch Ceph RGW credentials
# kubectl get secrets -n ceph-waw3 rook-ceph-object-user-waw-hdd-redundant-3-object-$ns -o json | jq '.data|map_values(@base64d)' > secrets/plain/media-repo-$ns-ceph.json
# secretstore sync secrets
# 3. Create an apropriate bucket using s3cmd
# s3cmd --access_key="$(jq -r '.AccessKey' secrets/plain/media-repo-$ns-ceph.json)" --secret_key="$(jq -r '.SecretKey' secrets/plain/media-repo-$ns-ceph.json)" mb s3://media-repo-$ns
# 4. Add relevant configuration overrides in cfg.mediaRepo key for your
# deployment configuration file:
# mediaRepo+: {
# enable: true,
# route: false,
# s3+: {
# endpoint: std.strReplace((import "secrets/plain/media-repo-$ns-ceph.json").Endpoint, "http://", ""),
# accessKey: (import "secrets/plain/media-repo-$ns-ceph.json").AccessKey,
# secretKey: (import "secrets/plain/media-repo-$ns-ceph.json").SecretKey,
# bucketName: "media-repo-$ns",
# region: "eu",
# },
# db+: {
# password: std.strReplace(importstr "secrets/plain/media-repo-$ns-postgres", "\n", ""),
# },
# },
# 5. Additionally, when migrating from already deployed synapse media worker the
# following command needs to be run in order to import existing media files:
# kubectl -n $ns exec deploy/media-repo -- import_synapse -baseUrl http://synapse-media:8008 -dbHost waw3-postgres -dbPassword "$(kubectl -n $ns get secret synapse -o json | jq -r '.data.postgres_password | @base64d')" -config /config/config.yaml -serverName 'SERVER_NAME'
# 6. After migrating data over from native synapse media worker storage traffic
# can be rerouted to matrix-media-repo by switching cfg.mediaRepo.route flag
# to true
# 7. Run import step #5 again to make sure no media were left missing in old
# media worker deployment - import operation is indempotent and can be ran
# against a synapse media worker that's not handling user traffic anymore.
# Sequencing appservices is fun. The appservice needs to run first (for
# instance, via a bootstrap job), and on startup it will spit out a
# registration file. This registration file then needs to be fed to synapse -
# this is done via specialy named secrets (appservice-X-registration, for X key
# in the appservices object).
# For appservice-irc instances, you can use this oneliner magic to get the
# registration YAML from logs.
# kubectl -n matrix create secret generic appservice-irc-freenode-registration --from-file=registration.yaml=<(kubectl -n matrix logs job/appservice-irc-freenode-bootstrap | tail -n +4 | sed -r 's/(.*aliases:.*)/ group_id: ""\n\1/')
# For appservice-telegram instances, you can use this oneliner magic:
# kubectl -n matrix create secret generic appservice-telegram-prod-registration --from-file=registration.yaml=<(kubectl -n matrix logs job/appservice-telegram-prod-bootstrap | grep -A 100 SNIPSNIP | grep -v SNIPSNIP)
local kube = import "../../../kube/kube.libsonnet";
local postgres = import "../../../kube/postgres.libsonnet";
local redis = import "../../../kube/redis.libsonnet";
local riot = import "./riot.libsonnet";
local cas = import "./cas.libsonnet";
local wellKnown = import "./wellknown.libsonnet";
local synapse = import "./synapse.libsonnet";
local mediaRepo = import "./media-repo.libsonnet";
local coturn = import "./coturn.libsonnet";
local top = self,
local cfg = top.cfg,
cfg:: {
namespace: error "cfg.namespace must be set",
# webDomain is the domain name at which element will run
webDomain: error "cfg.webDomain must be set",
# serverName is the server part of the MXID this homeserver will cover
serverName: error "cfg.serverName must be set",
storageClassName: "waw-hdd-redundant-3",
images: {
synapse: "matrixdotorg/synapse:v1.79.0",
riot: "vectorim/element-web:v1.11.26",
casProxy: "",
appserviceIRC: "matrixdotorg/matrix-appservice-irc:release-0.35.1",
appserviceTelegram: "",
wellKnown: "",
mediaRepo: "turt2live/matrix-media-repo:v1.2.12",
coturn: "coturn/coturn:4.5.2-r11-alpine",
# OpenID Connect provider configuration.
# Currently only client_secret can be provided as a secretKeyRef.
# https://${cfg.webDomain}/_synapse/oidc/callback needs to be set as
# allowed OAuth2/OpenID Connect callback URL
# See:
oidc: {
enable: false,
config: {
issuer: error "oidc.config.issuer must be set",
client_id: error "oidc.config.client_id must be set",
client_secret: error "oidc.config.client_secret must be set",
# Set this to true when migrating from existing CAS deployment
allow_existing_users: false,
user_mapping_provider: {
config: {
localpart_template: '{{ user.sub }}',
display_name_template: '{{ user.sub }}',
# Extra configuration required when migrating from
# oauth2-cas-proxy bound to
# user_profile_method: "userinfo_endpoint",
# client_auth_method: "client_secret_post",
# Central Authentication Scheme, a single-sign-on system. Note: this flow is now called 'SSO' in Matrix, we keep this name for legacy reasons.
# Refer to
cas: {
# whether to enable the CAS proxy (ie. connect to hswaw sso via OAuth)
enable: false,
# generate client ID and secret in with your OAuth2 provider, refer to
oauth2: {
clientID: error "cas.oauth2.clientID must be set",
clientSecret: error "cas.oauth2.clientSecret must be set",
scope: error "cas.oauth2.scope must be set",
authorizeURL: error "cas.oauth2.authorizeURL must be set",
tokenURL: error "cas.oauth2.tokenURL must be set",
userinfoURL: error "cas.oauth2.userinfoURL must be set",
# Serve /.well-known/matrix configuration endpoints required when using
# cfg.webDomain directly as mxid.
wellKnown: false,
# matrix-media-repo S3-based media storage container
mediaRepo: {
enable: false,
# Route /_matrix/media/ endpoints to matrix-media-repo. Set this
# to true after migrating media files to matrix-media-repo.
route: false,
s3: {
endpoint: error "mediaRepo.s3.endpoint needs to be set",
accessKey: error "mediaRepo.s3.accessKey needs to be set",
secretKey: error "mediaRepo.s3.secretKey needs to be set",
bucketName: error "mediaRepo.s3.bucketName needs to be set",
region: error "mediaRepo.s3.region needs to be set",
db: {
username: "mediarepo",
password: error "mediaRepo.db.password needs to be set",
database: "mediarepo",
host: "waw3-postgres",
port: 5432,
# List of administrative users MXIDs (used in matrix-media-repo only)
admins: [],
# Deploy coturn STUN/TURN server
coturn: {
enable: false,
config: {
domain: error "coturn.config.domain must be set",
# Default to public domain - this may be adjusted when multiple
# turn servers are deployed.
realm: self.domain,
# Set this to assigned LoadBalacer IP for correct NAT resolution
loadBalancerIP: null,
authSecret: { secretKeyRef: { name: "coturn", key: "auth_secret" } },
postgres: {
# Deploy on-cluster postgres: a postgres instance backed by Ceph.
# Okay for tiny baby synapses, not okay for chonkers. If not
# enabled, bring your own external postgres.
enable: true,
# If not deploying on-cluster postgres, the following needs to be
# set.
host: error "host must be set with off-cluster postgres",
username: "synapse",
database: "synapse",
port: 5432,
# Default to the same password secret ref that is used for
# on-cluster postgres.
password: { secretKeyRef: { name: "synapse", key: "postgres_password" } },
# DEPRECATED: this needs to be removed in favor of namespace.Contain() in
# modules that depend on this (appservices/instance defintions)
metadata(component):: {
namespace: cfg.namespace,
labels: {
"": "matrix",
"": "kubecfg",
"": component,
local ns = kube.Namespace(cfg.namespace),
postgres3: if cfg.postgres.enable then ns.Contain(postgres) {
local psql = self,
cfg+: {
appName: "synapse",
database: "synapse",
username: "synapse",
prefix: "waw3-",
password: { secretKeyRef: { name: "synapse", key: "postgres_password" } },
storageClassName: cfg.storageClassName,
storageSize: "100Gi",
initdbArgs: "--encoding='UTF8' --lc-collate='C' --lc-ctype='C'",
# Doesn't influence postgres instance, but used by synapse
# libsonnet. Do not override.
port: psql.svc.port,
opts: {
max_connections: "300",
shared_buffers: "80MB",
wal_level: "logical",
} else {},
redis: ns.Contain(redis) {
cfg+: {
appName: "synapse",
storageClassName: cfg.storageClassName,
password: { secretKeyRef: { name: "synapse", key: "redis_password" } },
persistence: false,
riot: riot {
ns: ns,
cfg+: {
webDomain: cfg.webDomain,
serverName: cfg.serverName,
image: cfg.images.riot,
cas: if cfg.cas.enable && cfg.oidc.enable then error "cfg.cas.enable and cfg.oidc.enable options are exclusive"
else if cfg.cas.enable then cas {
ns: ns,
cfg+: {
image: cfg.images.casProxy,
webDomain: cfg.webDomain,
oauth2: cfg.cas.oauth2,
wellKnown: if cfg.wellKnown then wellKnown {
ns: ns,
cfg+: {
image: cfg.images.wellKnown,
webDomain: cfg.webDomain,
} else {},
mediaRepo: if cfg.mediaRepo.enable then mediaRepo {
ns: ns,
cfg+: {
image: cfg.images.mediaRepo,
homeservers: [
{name: cfg.serverName, csApi: "https://" + cfg.webDomain}
admins: cfg.admins,
s3: cfg.mediaRepo.s3,
db: cfg.mediaRepo.db,
} else {},
coturn: if cfg.coturn.enable then coturn {
ns: ns,
cfg+: {
storageClassName: cfg.storageClassName,
image: cfg.images.coturn,
realm: cfg.coturn.config.realm,
loadBalancerIP: cfg.coturn.config.loadBalancerIP,
authSecret: cfg.coturn.config.authSecret,
} else null,
synapse: synapse {
ns: ns,
postgres: if cfg.postgres.enable then top.postgres3 else {
# If not using on-cluster postgres, pass the config postgres object
# as the postgres object into the synapse lib. It's a bit ugly (we
# should have some common 'config' type instead) but it's good
# enough.
cfg: cfg.postgres,
}, redis: top.redis,
appservices: top.appservices,
cfg+: top.cfg {
image: top.cfg.images.synapse,
macaroonSecretKey: { secretKeyRef: { name: "synapse", key: "macaroon_secret_key" } },
registrationSharedSecret: { secretKeyRef: { name: "synapse", key: "registration_shared_secret" } },
workerReplicationSecret: { secretKeyRef: { name: "synapse", key: "worker_replication_secret" } },
// Any appservice you add here will require an appservice-X-registration
// secret containing a registration.yaml file. Adding something to this
// dictionary will cause Synapse to not start until that secret is
// available - so change things carefully!
// If bootstrapping a new appservice, just keep it out of this dictionary
// until it spits you a registration YAML and you feed that to a secret.
appservices: {},
ingress: top.namespace.Contain(kube.Ingress("matrix")) {
metadata+: {
annotations+: {
"": "true",
"": "letsencrypt-prod",
"": "0",
"": "true",
spec+: {
tls: [
hosts: [cfg.webDomain],
secretName: "synapse-tls",
rules: [
host: cfg.webDomain,
http: {
paths: [
{ path: path, backend: top.synapse.genericWorker.svc.name_port }
for path in top.synapse.genericWorker.paths
] + [
{ path: "/", backend: top.riot.svc.name_port },
{ path: "/_matrix/media/", backend: if cfg.mediaRepo.route then top.mediaRepo.svc.name_port else top.synapse.mediaWorker.svc.name_port },
{ path: "/_matrix/", backend: top.synapse.main.svc.name_port },
# Used by OpenID Connect login flow
{ path: "/_synapse/", backend: top.synapse.main.svc.name_port },
] + (if cfg.cas.enable then [
{ path: "/_cas", backend: top.cas.svc.name_port },
] else []) + (if cfg.wellKnown then [
{ path: "/.well-known/matrix", backend: top.wellKnown.svc.name_port },
] else [])