blob: 2223c81c95d745212b9b5a2558d42ee9f9e87b13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
// Copyright 2018 The go-netbox Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ipam
// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
import (
cr ""
strfmt ""
// NewIPAMPrefixesListParams creates a new IPAMPrefixesListParams object
// with the default values initialized.
func NewIPAMPrefixesListParams() *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
var ()
return &IPAMPrefixesListParams{
timeout: cr.DefaultTimeout,
// NewIPAMPrefixesListParamsWithTimeout creates a new IPAMPrefixesListParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func NewIPAMPrefixesListParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
var ()
return &IPAMPrefixesListParams{
timeout: timeout,
// NewIPAMPrefixesListParamsWithContext creates a new IPAMPrefixesListParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewIPAMPrefixesListParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
var ()
return &IPAMPrefixesListParams{
Context: ctx,
// NewIPAMPrefixesListParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new IPAMPrefixesListParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewIPAMPrefixesListParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
var ()
return &IPAMPrefixesListParams{
HTTPClient: client,
/*IPAMPrefixesListParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the ipam prefixes list operation typically these are written to a http.Request
type IPAMPrefixesListParams struct {
Contains *string
Family *string
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
IDIn *string
IsPool *string
Number of results to return per page.
Limit *int64
MaskLength *float64
The initial index from which to return the results.
Offset *int64
Q *string
Role *string
RoleID *string
Site *string
SiteID *string
Status *string
Tenant *string
TenantID *string
VlanID *string
VlanVid *float64
Vrf *string
VrfID *string
Within *string
WithinInclude *string
timeout time.Duration
Context context.Context
HTTPClient *http.Client
// WithTimeout adds the timeout to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetTimeout adds the timeout to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
o.timeout = timeout
// WithContext adds the context to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetContext adds the context to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
o.Context = ctx
// WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client) {
o.HTTPClient = client
// WithContains adds the contains to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithContains(contains *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetContains adds the contains to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetContains(contains *string) {
o.Contains = contains
// WithFamily adds the family to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithFamily(family *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetFamily adds the family to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetFamily(family *string) {
o.Family = family
// WithIDIn adds the iDIn to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithIDIn(iDIn *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetIDIn adds the idIn to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetIDIn(iDIn *string) {
o.IDIn = iDIn
// WithIsPool adds the isPool to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithIsPool(isPool *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetIsPool adds the isPool to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetIsPool(isPool *string) {
o.IsPool = isPool
// WithLimit adds the limit to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithLimit(limit *int64) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetLimit adds the limit to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetLimit(limit *int64) {
o.Limit = limit
// WithMaskLength adds the maskLength to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithMaskLength(maskLength *float64) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetMaskLength adds the maskLength to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetMaskLength(maskLength *float64) {
o.MaskLength = maskLength
// WithOffset adds the offset to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithOffset(offset *int64) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetOffset adds the offset to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetOffset(offset *int64) {
o.Offset = offset
// WithQ adds the q to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithQ(q *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetQ adds the q to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetQ(q *string) {
o.Q = q
// WithRole adds the role to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithRole(role *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetRole adds the role to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetRole(role *string) {
o.Role = role
// WithRoleID adds the roleID to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithRoleID(roleID *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetRoleID adds the roleId to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetRoleID(roleID *string) {
o.RoleID = roleID
// WithSite adds the site to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithSite(site *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetSite adds the site to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetSite(site *string) {
o.Site = site
// WithSiteID adds the siteID to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithSiteID(siteID *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetSiteID adds the siteId to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetSiteID(siteID *string) {
o.SiteID = siteID
// WithStatus adds the status to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithStatus(status *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetStatus adds the status to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetStatus(status *string) {
o.Status = status
// WithTenant adds the tenant to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithTenant(tenant *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetTenant adds the tenant to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetTenant(tenant *string) {
o.Tenant = tenant
// WithTenantID adds the tenantID to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithTenantID(tenantID *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetTenantID adds the tenantId to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetTenantID(tenantID *string) {
o.TenantID = tenantID
// WithVlanID adds the vlanID to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithVlanID(vlanID *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetVlanID adds the vlanId to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetVlanID(vlanID *string) {
o.VlanID = vlanID
// WithVlanVid adds the vlanVid to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithVlanVid(vlanVid *float64) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetVlanVid adds the vlanVid to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetVlanVid(vlanVid *float64) {
o.VlanVid = vlanVid
// WithVrf adds the vrf to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithVrf(vrf *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetVrf adds the vrf to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetVrf(vrf *string) {
o.Vrf = vrf
// WithVrfID adds the vrfID to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithVrfID(vrfID *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetVrfID adds the vrfId to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetVrfID(vrfID *string) {
o.VrfID = vrfID
// WithWithin adds the within to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithWithin(within *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetWithin adds the within to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetWithin(within *string) {
o.Within = within
// WithWithinInclude adds the withinInclude to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WithWithinInclude(withinInclude *string) *IPAMPrefixesListParams {
return o
// SetWithinInclude adds the withinInclude to the ipam prefixes list params
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) SetWithinInclude(withinInclude *string) {
o.WithinInclude = withinInclude
// WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
func (o *IPAMPrefixesListParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error {
if err := r.SetTimeout(o.timeout); err != nil {
return err
var res []error
if o.Contains != nil {
// query param contains
var qrContains string
if o.Contains != nil {
qrContains = *o.Contains
qContains := qrContains
if qContains != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("contains", qContains); err != nil {
return err
if o.Family != nil {
// query param family
var qrFamily string
if o.Family != nil {
qrFamily = *o.Family
qFamily := qrFamily
if qFamily != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("family", qFamily); err != nil {
return err
if o.IDIn != nil {
// query param id__in
var qrIDIn string
if o.IDIn != nil {
qrIDIn = *o.IDIn
qIDIn := qrIDIn
if qIDIn != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("id__in", qIDIn); err != nil {
return err
if o.IsPool != nil {
// query param is_pool
var qrIsPool string
if o.IsPool != nil {
qrIsPool = *o.IsPool
qIsPool := qrIsPool
if qIsPool != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("is_pool", qIsPool); err != nil {
return err
if o.Limit != nil {
// query param limit
var qrLimit int64
if o.Limit != nil {
qrLimit = *o.Limit
qLimit := swag.FormatInt64(qrLimit)
if qLimit != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("limit", qLimit); err != nil {
return err
if o.MaskLength != nil {
// query param mask_length
var qrMaskLength float64
if o.MaskLength != nil {
qrMaskLength = *o.MaskLength
qMaskLength := swag.FormatFloat64(qrMaskLength)
if qMaskLength != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("mask_length", qMaskLength); err != nil {
return err
if o.Offset != nil {
// query param offset
var qrOffset int64
if o.Offset != nil {
qrOffset = *o.Offset
qOffset := swag.FormatInt64(qrOffset)
if qOffset != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("offset", qOffset); err != nil {
return err
if o.Q != nil {
// query param q
var qrQ string
if o.Q != nil {
qrQ = *o.Q
qQ := qrQ
if qQ != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("q", qQ); err != nil {
return err
if o.Role != nil {
// query param role
var qrRole string
if o.Role != nil {
qrRole = *o.Role
qRole := qrRole
if qRole != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("role", qRole); err != nil {
return err
if o.RoleID != nil {
// query param role_id
var qrRoleID string
if o.RoleID != nil {
qrRoleID = *o.RoleID
qRoleID := qrRoleID
if qRoleID != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("role_id", qRoleID); err != nil {
return err
if o.Site != nil {
// query param site
var qrSite string
if o.Site != nil {
qrSite = *o.Site
qSite := qrSite
if qSite != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("site", qSite); err != nil {
return err
if o.SiteID != nil {
// query param site_id
var qrSiteID string
if o.SiteID != nil {
qrSiteID = *o.SiteID
qSiteID := qrSiteID
if qSiteID != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("site_id", qSiteID); err != nil {
return err
if o.Status != nil {
// query param status
var qrStatus string
if o.Status != nil {
qrStatus = *o.Status
qStatus := qrStatus
if qStatus != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("status", qStatus); err != nil {
return err
if o.Tenant != nil {
// query param tenant
var qrTenant string
if o.Tenant != nil {
qrTenant = *o.Tenant
qTenant := qrTenant
if qTenant != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("tenant", qTenant); err != nil {
return err
if o.TenantID != nil {
// query param tenant_id
var qrTenantID string
if o.TenantID != nil {
qrTenantID = *o.TenantID
qTenantID := qrTenantID
if qTenantID != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("tenant_id", qTenantID); err != nil {
return err
if o.VlanID != nil {
// query param vlan_id
var qrVlanID string
if o.VlanID != nil {
qrVlanID = *o.VlanID
qVlanID := qrVlanID
if qVlanID != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("vlan_id", qVlanID); err != nil {
return err
if o.VlanVid != nil {
// query param vlan_vid
var qrVlanVid float64
if o.VlanVid != nil {
qrVlanVid = *o.VlanVid
qVlanVid := swag.FormatFloat64(qrVlanVid)
if qVlanVid != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("vlan_vid", qVlanVid); err != nil {
return err
if o.Vrf != nil {
// query param vrf
var qrVrf string
if o.Vrf != nil {
qrVrf = *o.Vrf
qVrf := qrVrf
if qVrf != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("vrf", qVrf); err != nil {
return err
if o.VrfID != nil {
// query param vrf_id
var qrVrfID string
if o.VrfID != nil {
qrVrfID = *o.VrfID
qVrfID := qrVrfID
if qVrfID != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("vrf_id", qVrfID); err != nil {
return err
if o.Within != nil {
// query param within
var qrWithin string
if o.Within != nil {
qrWithin = *o.Within
qWithin := qrWithin
if qWithin != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("within", qWithin); err != nil {
return err
if o.WithinInclude != nil {
// query param within_include
var qrWithinInclude string
if o.WithinInclude != nil {
qrWithinInclude = *o.WithinInclude
qWithinInclude := qrWithinInclude
if qWithinInclude != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("within_include", qWithinInclude); err != nil {
return err
if len(res) > 0 {
return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
return nil