blob: 460c571799de54d2910e2dafcda560dcab8f6d67 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package config;
option go_package = "";
// Admitomatic configuration, passed as a text proto, for
// example:
// $ cat sample.pb.text
// allow_domain { namespace: "example" dns: "*" }
// allow_domain {
// namespace: "personal-q3k" dns: ""
// }
// allow_domain {
// namespace: "personal-q3k" dns: ""
// }
message Config {
// List of domains that are allowed to be configured as
// ingresses in a given namespace. If a domain does not
// appear in this list, it will be allowed to run in any
// namespace.
repeated AllowDomain allow_domain = 1;
message AllowDomain {
// namespace is a kubernetes namespace. An empty string is
// treated as the 'default' namespace.
string namespace = 1;
// dns is a domain name like '' or a wildcard
// like '*'.
// Wildcards match domains at any level beneath the root,
// so the example above would match ''
// and ''. However, they do not
// catch the root itself, ie. the above would not catch
// ''.
string dns = 2;