blob: 07d1259368a4ab9e268122131cbbaeab44e80470 [file] [log] [blame]
{ system ? builtins.currentSystem, ... }@args:
with builtins;
fix = f: let x = f x; in x;
readTree = import ./nix/readtree {};
# Tracking nixos-unstable as of 2021-08-11.
nixpkgsCommit = "42aae6fa748a41ced37373fc6d914de512658178";
nixpkgsSrc = fetchTarball {
url = "${nixpkgsCommit}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "I7oAGC1Ldm5kcryUQxLubMmMCj5o0n+JSLVGRCL0wm8=";
nixpkgs = import nixpkgsSrc {
config.allowUnfree = true;
config.allowBroken = true;
# Nixpkgs marked this package as insecure.
# We need it for HTML-to-PDF conversion.
config.permittedInsecurePackages = [
inherit system;
resForPkgs = pkgs: fix (self: (readTree rec {
hscloud = self;
inherit pkgs;
pkgsSrc = pkgs.path;
inherit (pkgs) lib stdenv;
hscloudForPkgs = pkgs: resForPkgs pkgs;
} ./.));
in (resForPkgs nixpkgs) // {
root = ./.;
pkgs = nixpkgs;