blob: 492a3ba2b38dbcd0356da4ddfb08b25d4b676b01 [file] [log] [blame]
# PostgreSQL on Kubernetes.
local kube = import "kube.libsonnet";
local postgres = self,
local cfg = postgres.cfg,
cfg:: {
namespace: error "namespace must be set",
appName: error "appName must be set",
prefix: "", # if set, should be 'foo-'
# valid version tag for
version: error "version must be set (to a valid docker hub tag, e.g. 10.4)",
image: "postgres:" + self.version,
database: error "database must be set",
username: error "username must be set",
# not literal, instead ref for env (like { secretKeyRef: ... })
password: error "password must be set",
storageSize: "30Gi",
storageClassName: error "storageClassName must be set",
# Override this to set postgres resource requests and limits.
resources: {},
# This option can be used to customize initial database creation. For
# available options see:
# Changing this option in already existing deployments will not affect
# existing database.
initdbArgs: null,
# Extra postgres configuration options passed on startup. Accepts only
# string values.
# Example: { max_connections: "300" }
opts: {},
# Postgres cluster upgrade automation. In order to update running
# postgres version:
# * set image to target postgres version
# * pgupgrade.from to previous/current major version
# * to target major version number (optional, this should
# be figured out from image version)
# * switch pgupgrade.enable to true.
# While we do have some countermeasures to prevent stupid typos, you
# should still probably make a database backup, eg. using:
# kubectl exec deploy/postgres -- pg_dumpall > dump.sql
# After succesful upgrade /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata-old directory
# needs to be removed by hand. In case a rollback is needed pgdata needs
# to be swapped with the pgdata-old directory and the postgres image
# needs to be adjusted accordingly.
pgupgrade: {
enable: false,
from: error 'pgupgrade.from must be set to previous major version, e.g. 10',
# Extract target version from image name, supported:
# postgres:1.2-suffix, postgres:1-suffix, postgres:1.2, postgres:1
to: std.native('regexSubst')("^[^:]+:([^.]+).*$", cfg.image, "${1}"),
# Optional pgbouncer
# if enabled, use `` as database host
bouncer: {
enable: false,
image: "edoburu/pgbouncer:1.11.0",
# If set to true, resources will be suffixed with postgres version (and will have versioned labels)
# This exists solely for backwards compatibility with old postgres_v libsonnet
# and should not be used in new deployments
versionedNames: false,
safeVersion:: std.strReplace(cfg.version, ".", "-"),
makeName(suffix):: cfg.prefix + suffix + (if cfg.versionedNames then postgres.safeVersion else ""),
metadata:: {
namespace: cfg.namespace,
labels: {
"": cfg.appName,
"": "kubecfg",
"": if cfg.versionedNames then "postgres_v" else "postgres",
[if cfg.versionedNames then "" else null]: postgres.safeVersion,
volumeClaim: kube.PersistentVolumeClaim(postgres.makeName("postgres")) {
metadata+: postgres.metadata,
storage:: cfg.storageSize,
storageClass:: cfg.storageClassName,
deployment: kube.Deployment(postgres.makeName("postgres")) {
metadata+: postgres.metadata,
spec+: {
replicas: 1,
template+: {
spec+: {
volumes_: {
data: postgres.volumeClaim.volume,
containers_: {
postgres: kube.Container(postgres.makeName("postgres")) {
image: cfg.image,
ports_: {
client: { containerPort: 5432 },
env_: {
POSTGRES_DB: cfg.database,
POSTGRES_USER: cfg.username,
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: cfg.password,
PGDATA: "/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata",
} + if cfg.initdbArgs != null then {
} else {},
args: std.flatMap(
function(k) ["-c", "%s=%s" % [k, cfg.opts[k]]],
volumeMounts_: {
data: { mountPath: "/var/lib/postgresql/data" },
resources: cfg.resources,
initContainers_: if cfg.pgupgrade.enable then {
pgupgrade: kube.Container(postgres.makeName("pgupgrade")) {
image: "tianon/postgres-upgrade:%s-to-%s" % [cfg.pgupgrade.from,],
command: [
"bash", "-c", |||
set -e -x -o pipefail
if [[ "$CURRENT_VERSION" == "$VERSION_TO" ]]; then
echo "Already running target version ($VERSION_TO)"
exit 0
if [[ "$CURRENT_VERSION" != "$VERSION_FROM" ]]; then
echo "Running unexpected source version, wanted $VERSION_FROM, got $CURRENT_VERSION"
exit 1
rm -rf $PGDATANEXT || true
if [ ! -s "$PGDATANEXT/PG_VERSION" ]; then
echo "Initializing new database..."
echo "Running upgrade..."
pg_upgrade --link --old-datadir $PGDATA --new-datadir $PGDATANEXT || (sleep 3600 ; exit 1)
echo "Copying pg_hba.conf"
cp $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf $PGDATANEXT/pg_hba.conf
echo "Done, swapping..."
env_: postgres.deployment.spec.template.spec.containers_.postgres.env_ + {
VERSION_FROM: cfg.pgupgrade.from,
# pg_upgrade target directory, swapped with
# PGDATA after cluster data upgrade is finished
PGDATANEXT: "/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata-next",
# Directory used to stash previous pgdata
# version
PGDATAOLD: "/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata-old",
volumeMounts_: {
data: { mountPath: "/var/lib/postgresql/data" },
} else {},
securityContext: {
runAsUser: 999,
svc: kube.Service(postgres.makeName("postgres")) {
metadata+: postgres.metadata,
target:: postgres.deployment,
bouncer: if cfg.bouncer.enable then {
deployment: kube.Deployment(postgres.makeName("bouncer")) {
metadata+: postgres.metadata {
labels+: {
"": "bouncer",
spec+: {
replicas: 1,
template+: {
spec+: {
containers_: {
bouncer: kube.Container(postgres.makeName("bouncer")) {
image: cfg.bouncer.image,
ports_: {
client: { containerPort: 5432 },
env: [
{ name: "POSTGRES_PASSWORD", valueFrom: cfg.password },
{ name: "DATABASE_URL", value: "postgres://%s:$(POSTGRES_PASSWORD)@%s/%s" % [cfg.username,, cfg.database] },
svc: kube.Service(postgres.makeName("bouncer")) {
metadata+: postgres.metadata {
labels+: {
"": "bouncer",
target:: postgres.bouncer.deployment,
} else {},