blob: 76de45f4badfda9ffb742a91ccd94e2ab48384a8 [file] [log] [blame]
local matrix = import "lib/matrix.libsonnet";
local irc = import "lib/appservice-irc.libsonnet";
local telegram = import "lib/appservice-telegram.libsonnet";
matrix {
local app = self,
local cfg = app.cfg,
cfg+:: {
namespace: "matrix-0x3c",
webDomain: "",
serverName: "",
synapseConfig+:: {
password_config: {
enabled: true,
riotConfig+:: {
"brand": "Element - %s" % [cfg.serverName],
"branding": {
"welcomeBackgroundUrl": ""
appservices: {
"telegram-prod": telegram.AppServiceTelegram("prod") {
cfg+: {
image: cfg.images.appserviceTelegram,
storageClassName: cfg.storageClassName,
metadata: app.metadata("appservice-telegram-prod"),
config+: {
homeserver+: {
address: "https://%s" % [cfg.webDomain],
domain: cfg.serverName,
appservice+: {
id: "telegram",
bot_avatar: "",
telegram+: {
# not7cd: it may be convinient to use same bot credentials for both appservices
api_id: (std.split(importstr "secrets/plain/appservice-telegram-0x3c-api-id", "\n"))[0],
api_hash: (std.split(importstr "secrets/plain/appservice-telegram-0x3c-api-hash", "\n"))[0],
bot_token: (std.split(importstr "secrets/plain/appservice-telegram-0x3c-token", "\n"))[0],
bridge+: {
permissions+: {
"": "puppeting",
"": "admin", // propabbly
"": "admin",