blob: 91cf2b9ed0923e05d212660354948ad8ed381233 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import "testing"
func TestPatterns(t *testing.T) {
f := ingressFilter{}
// Test that sane filters are allowed.
for _, el := range []struct {
ns string
domain string
{"matrix", ""},
{"ceph-waw3", "*"},
{"personal-q3k", "*"},
{"personal-vuko", ""},
{"minecraft", "*"},
} {
err := f.allow(el.ns, el.domain)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("allow(%q, %q): %v", el.ns, el.domain, err)
// Test that broken patterns are rejected.
if err := f.allow("borked", "*.hackerspace.*"); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("allow(double star): wanted err, got nil")
if err := f.allow("borked", ""); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("allow(empty): wanted err, got nil")
if err := f.allow("borked", "*"); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("allow(partial wildcard): wanted err, got nil")
func TestMatch(t *testing.T) {
f := ingressFilter{}
// Errors discarded, tested in TestPatterns.
f.allow("matrix", "")
f.allow("ceph-waw3", "*")
f.allow("personal-q3k", "*")
f.allow("personal-vuko", "")
f.allow("minecraft", "*")
for _, el := range []struct {
ns string
dns string
expected bool
// Explicitly allowed.
{"matrix", "", true},
// * is explicitly mentioned in ceph-waw3, so this is
// forbidden.
{"matrix", "", false},
// Hackers should not be able to take over critical domains.
{"personal-hacker", "", false},
{"personal-hacker", "", false},
// q3k can do his thing, even nested..
{"personal-q3k", "", true},
{"personal-q3k", "", true},
// counterintuitive: only * is constrained, so
// (as is allowed everywhere.
{"personal-hacker", "", true},
// vuko's shell service is only allowed in his NS.
{"personal-vuko", "", true},
// counterintuitive: is allowed everywhere else, too. This is
// because there's no * wildcard anywhere, so nothing would
// block it. Solution: add an explicit * wildcard to the
// namespace, or just don't do a wildcard CNAME redirect to our
// ingress.
{"personal-hacker", "", true},
// Unknown domains are fine.
{"personal-hacker", "", true},
} {
if want, got := el.expected, f.domainAllowed(el.ns, el.dns); got != want {
t.Errorf("%q on %q is %v, wanted %v", el.dns, el.ns, got, want)