# grpcio and protobuf are installed directly via WORKSPACE | |
# do NOT add them there | |
# depending on a py_grpc_library output will pull in the required deps | |
arrow==0.14.5 | |
asn1crypto==0.24.0 | |
bcrypt==3.1.5 | |
blinker==1.4 | |
certifi==2019.6.16 | |
cffi==1.14.1 | |
chardet==3.0.4 | |
Click==7.0 | |
cockroachdb==0.3.3 | |
cryptography==2.4.2 | |
Django==2.2.3 | |
fabric==2.4.0 | |
Flask==1.1.1 | |
Flask-Login==0.4.1 | |
Flask-OAuthlib==0.9.5 | |
Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.4.0 | |
Flask-WTF==0.14.2 | |
future==0.17.1 | |
gevent==20.9.0 | |
greenlet==0.4.17 | |
gunicorn==19.9.0 | |
idna==2.8 | |
invoke==1.2.0 | |
itsdangerous==1.1.0 | |
Jinja2==2.10.1 | |
MarkupSafe==1.1.1 | |
oauthlib==2.1.0 | |
paramiko==2.4.2 | |
psycopg2==2.8.5 | |
pyasn1==0.4.5 | |
pycparser==2.19 | |
PyNaCl==1.3.0 | |
pyelftools==0.26 | |
python-dateutil==2.8.0 | |
pytz==2019.1 | |
requests==2.22.0 | |
requests-oauthlib==1.3.0 | |
six==1.12.0 | |
SQLAlchemy==1.3.8 | |
sqlparse==0.3.0 | |
urllib3==1.25.3 | |
Werkzeug==0.15.5 | |
WTForms==2.2.1 |