blob: 902b12c6fa29864326120b71a797c994ae0b8c09 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a monorepo. You'll need bash and Bazel 0.20.0+ to use it.
You'll also need Nix installed globally in your system until [rules_nixpkgs/75]( is resolved. Or run on NixOS.
Getting started
cd hscloud
. # setup PATH and hscloud_root
tools/ # build tools
Then, to get Kubernets:
echo "" >> /etc/hosts # temporary hack until we get loadbalancers working
bazel run //cluster/clustercfg:clustercfg admincreds $(whoami)-admin # get administrative creds (valid for 5 days)
kubectl version
The following kubernetes clusters are available:
3 nodes (bc01n{01,02,03}, mixed worker/master.
No persistent storage (yet).
Temporary development cluster. Will become base production cluster once configuration is done, but will *likely be fully cleared*.
Feel free to use for tests, but your pods might disappear at any time.