blob: 034a28c903ca62ba2ecadbc21649fd659448f54c [file] [log] [blame]
HSCloud Clusters
Current cluster: ``
Accessing via kubectl
There isn't yet a service for getting short-term user certificates. Instead, you'll have to get admin certificates:
clustercfg admincreds $(whoami)-admin
kubectl get nodes
Provisioning nodes
- bring up a new node with nixos, running the configuration.nix from bootstrap (to be documented)
- `clustercfg nodestrap`
That's it!
We run Ceph via Rook. The Rook operator is running in the `ceph-rook-system` namespace. To debug Ceph issues, start by looking at its logs.
The following Ceph clusters are available:
HDDs on bc01n0{1-3}. 3TB total capacity.
The following storage classes use this cluster:
- `waw-hdd-redundant-1` - erasure coded 2.1
A dashboard is available at, to get the admin password run:
kubectl -n ceph-waw1 get secret rook-ceph-dashboard-password -o yaml | grep "password:" | awk '{print $2}' | base64 --decode ; echo
Known Issues
After running `nixos-configure switch` on the hosts, the shared host/container CNI plugin directory gets nuked, and pods will fail to schedule on that node (TODO(q3k): error message here). To fix this, restart calico-node pods running on nodes that have this issue. The Calico Node pod will reschedule automatically and fix the CNI plugins directory.
kubectl -n kube-system get pods -o wide | grep calico-node
kubectl -n kube-system delete pod calico-node-XXXX