cluster: move prodvider to

In we accidentally
introduced a split-horizon DNS situation:

 - from the Internet resolves to nodes running the k8s API
   servers, and as such can serve API server traffic
 - from the cluster returned no results

This broke prodvider in two ways:
 - it dialed the API servers at
 - even after the endpoint was moved to, the apiserver cert didn't cover

Thus, not only we had to change the prodvider endpoint but also change
the APIserver certs to cover this new name.

I'm not sure this should be the target fix. I think at some point we
should only start referring to in-cluster services via their full (or
cluster.local) names, but right now is an exception and as
such a split, and we have no way to access the internal services from
the outside just yet.

However, getting prodvider to work is important enough that this fix is
IMO good enough for now.

Change-Id: I13d0681208c66f4060acecc78b7ae14b8f8d7125
diff --git a/cluster/kube/cluster.jsonnet b/cluster/kube/cluster.jsonnet
index e9e8932..60cbaaa 100644
--- a/cluster/kube/cluster.jsonnet
+++ b/cluster/kube/cluster.jsonnet
@@ -210,7 +210,11 @@
     // Prodvider
-    prodvider: prodvider.Environment {},
+    prodvider: prodvider.Environment {
+        cfg+: {
+            apiEndpoint: "kubernetes.default.svc.%s" % [cluster.fqdn],
+        },
+    },