matrix: split up appservice to separate file

This is in preparation for adding a Telegram bridge appservice. The main
jsonnet file was getting quite chonky.

This does not affect production, and is just a refactor.

Change-Id: I7cdee2bd71aedb40a9f6c3e5148f829023171dcb
diff --git a/app/matrix/appservice-irc.libsonnet b/app/matrix/appservice-irc.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e4f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/matrix/appservice-irc.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+local kube = import "../../kube/kube.libsonnet";
+    AppServiceIrc(name):: {
+        local bridge = self,
+        local cfg = bridge.cfg,
+        cfg:: {
+            metadata: {},
+            config: std.native("parseYaml")(importstr "appservice-irc.yaml")[0],
+            image: error "image must be set",
+            storageClassName: error "storageClassName must be set",
+        },
+        config: kube.ConfigMap("appservice-irc-%s" % [name]) {
+            metadata+: cfg.metadata,
+            data: {
+                "config.yaml": std.manifestJsonEx(cfg.config, ""),
+            },
+        },
+        dataVolume: kube.PersistentVolumeClaim("appservice-irc-%s" % [name]) {
+            metadata+: cfg.metadata,
+            spec+: {
+                storageClassName: cfg.storageClassName,
+                accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ],
+                resources: {
+                    requests: {
+                        storage: "10Gi",
+                    },
+                },
+            },
+        },
+        bootstrapJob: kube.Job("appservice-irc-%s-bootstrap" % [name]) {
+            metadata+: cfg.metadata {
+                labels: {
+                    "job-name": "appservice-irc-%s-bootstrap" % [name],
+                },
+            },
+            spec+: {
+                template+: {
+                    spec+: {
+                        volumes_: {
+                            config: kube.ConfigMapVolume(bridge.config),
+                        },
+                        containers_: {
+                            bootstrap: kube.Container("appservice-irc-%s-bootstrap" % [name]) {
+                                image: cfg.image,
+                                command: ["sh", "-c", "node app.js -r -u http://appservice-irc-%s:9999 -c /config/config.yaml -f /tmp/registration.yaml && cat /tmp/registration.yaml" % [name]],
+                                volumeMounts_: {
+                                    config: { mountPath: "/config" },
+                                },
+                            },
+                        },
+                    },
+                },
+            },
+        },
+        deployment: kube.Deployment("appservice-irc-%s" % [name]) {
+            metadata+: cfg.metadata,
+            spec+: {
+                replicas: 1,
+                template+: {
+                    spec+: {
+                        volumes_: {
+                            config: kube.ConfigMapVolume(bridge.config),
+                            data: kube.PersistentVolumeClaimVolume(bridge.dataVolume),
+                            registration: { secret: { secretName: "appservice-irc-%s-registration" % [name] } },
+                        },
+                        nodeSelector: cfg.nodeSelector,
+                        containers_: {
+                            appserviceIrc: kube.Container("appservice-irc-%s" % [name]) {
+                                image: cfg.image,
+                                command: ["node", "app.js", "-c", "/config/config.yaml", "-f", "/registration/registration.yaml", "-p", "9999"],
+                                ports_: {
+                                    http: { containerPort: 9999 },
+                                },
+                                volumeMounts_: {
+                                    registration: { mountPath: "/registration", },
+                                    config: { mountPath: "/config", },
+                                    data: { mountPath: "/data" },
+                                },
+                            },
+                        },
+                    },
+                },
+            },
+        },
+        svc: kube.Service("appservice-irc-%s" % [name]) {
+            metadata+: cfg.metadata,
+            target_pod:: bridge.deployment.spec.template,
+        },
+    },