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+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Gehres
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+[![Go Report Card](](
+[![GitHub license](]()
+# JSON-RPC 2.0 Client for golang
+A go implementation of an rpc client using json as data format over http.
+The implementation is based on the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification:
+- requests with arbitrary parameters
+- convenient response retrieval
+- batch requests
+- custom http client (e.g. proxy, tls config)
+- custom headers (e.g. basic auth)
+## Installation
+go get -u
+## Getting started
+Let's say we want to retrieve a person struct with a specific id using rpc-json over http.
+Then we want to save this person after we changed a property.
+(Error handling is omitted here)
+type Person struct {
+    Id   int `json:"id"`
+    Name string `json:"name"`
+    Age  int `json:"age"`
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    var person *Person
+    rpcClient.CallFor(&person, "getPersonById", 4711)
+    person.Age = 33
+    rpcClient.Call("updatePerson", person)
+## In detail
+### Generating rpc-json requests
+Let's start by executing a simple json-rpc http call:
+In production code: Always make sure to check err != nil first!
+This calls generate and send a valid rpc-json object. (see:
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    rpcClient.Call("getDate")
+    // generates body: {"method":"getDate","id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
+Call a function with parameter:
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2)
+    // generates body: {"method":"addNumbers","params":[1,2],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
+Call a function with arbitrary parameters:
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    rpcClient.Call("createPerson", "Alex", 33, "Germany")
+    // generates body: {"method":"createPerson","params":["Alex",33,"Germany"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
+Call a function providing custom data structures as parameters:
+type Person struct {
+  Name    string `json:"name"`
+  Age     int `json:"age"`
+  Country string `json:"country"`
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    rpcClient.Call("createPerson", &Person{"Alex", 33, "Germany"})
+    // generates body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"createPerson","params":{"name":"Alex","age":33,"country":"Germany"},"id":1}
+Complex example:
+type Person struct {
+  Name    string `json:"name"`
+  Age     int `json:"age"`
+  Country string `json:"country"`
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    rpcClient.Call("createPersonsWithRole", &Person{"Alex", 33, "Germany"}, &Person{"Barney", 38, "Germany"}, []string{"Admin", "User"})
+    // generates body: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"createPersonsWithRole","params":[{"name":"Alex","age":33,"country":"Germany"},{"name":"Barney","age":38,"country":"Germany"},["Admin","User"]],"id":1}
+Some examples and resulting JSON-RPC objects:
+rpcClient.Call("nullParam", nil)
+rpcClient.Call("boolParam", true)
+rpcClient.Call("boolParams", true, false, true)
+rpcClient.Call("stringParam", "Alex")
+rpcClient.Call("stringParams", "JSON", "RPC")
+rpcClient.Call("numberParam", 123)
+rpcClient.Call("numberParams", 123, 321)
+rpcClient.Call("floatParam", 1.23)
+rpcClient.Call("floatParams", 1.23, 3.21)
+rpcClient.Call("manyParams", "Alex", 35, true, nil, 2.34)
+rpcClient.Call("singlePointerToStruct", &person)
+rpcClient.Call("multipleStructs", &person, &drink)
+{"method":"multipleStructs","params":[{"name":"Alex","age":35,"country":"Germany"},{"name":"Cuba Libre","ingredients":["rum","cola"]}]}
+rpcClient.Call("singleStructInArray", []*Person{&person})
+rpcClient.Call("namedParameters", map[string]interface{}{
+	"name": "Alex",
+	"age":  35,
+rpcClient.Call("anonymousStruct", struct {
+	Name string `json:"name"`
+	Age  int    `json:"age"`
+}{"Alex", 33})
+rpcClient.Call("structWithNullField", struct {
+	Name    string  `json:"name"`
+	Address *string `json:"address"`
+}{"Alex", nil})
+### Working with rpc-json responses
+Before working with the response object, make sure to check err != nil.
+Also keep in mind that the json-rpc result field can be nil even on success.
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    response, err := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2)
+    if err != nil {
+      // error handling goes here e.g. network / http error
+    }
+If an http error occurred, maybe you are interested in the error code (403 etc.)
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    response, err := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2)
+    switch e := err.(type) {
+      case nil: // if error is nil, do nothing
+      case *HTTPError:
+        // use e.Code here
+        return
+      default:
+        // any other error
+        return
+    }
+    // no error, go on...
+The next thing you have to check is if an rpc-json protocol error occurred. This is done by checking if the Error field in the rpc-response != nil:
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    response, err := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2)
+    if err != nil {
+        //error handling goes here
+    }
+    if response.Error != nil {
+        // rpc error handling goes here
+        // check response.Error.Code, response.Error.Message and optional response.Error.Data
+    }
+After making sure that no errors occurred you can now examine the RPCResponse object.
+When executing a json-rpc request, most of the time you will be interested in the "result"-property of the returned json-rpc response object.
+The library provides some helper functions to retrieve the result in the data format you are interested in.
+Again: check for err != nil here to be sure the expected type was provided in the response and could be parsed.
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    response, _ := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2)
+    result, err := response.GetInt()
+    if err != nil {
+        // result cannot be unmarshalled as integer
+    }
+    // helpers provided for all primitive types:
+    response.GetInt()
+    response.GetFloat()
+    response.GetString()
+    response.GetBool()
+Retrieving arrays and objects is also very simple:
+// json annotations are only required to transform the structure back to json
+type Person struct {
+    Id   int `json:"id"`
+    Name string `json:"name"`
+    Age  int `json:"age"`
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    response, _ := rpcClient.Call("getPersonById", 123)
+    var person *Person
+    err := response.GetObject(&person) // expects a rpc-object result value like: {"id": 123, "name": "alex", "age": 33}
+    if err != nil || person == nil {
+        // some error on json unmarshal level or json result field was null
+    }
+    fmt.Println(person.Name)
+    // we can also set default values if they are missing from the result, or result == null:
+    person2 := &Person{
+        Id: 0,
+        Name: "<empty>",
+        Age: -1,
+    }
+    err := response.GetObject(&person2) // expects a rpc-object result value like: {"id": 123, "name": "alex", "age": 33}
+    if err != nil || person2 == nil {
+        // some error on json unmarshal level or json result field was null
+    }
+    fmt.Println(person2.Name) // prints "<empty>" if "name" field was missing in result-json
+Retrieving arrays:
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    response, _ := rpcClient.Call("getRandomNumbers", 10)
+    rndNumbers := []int{}
+    err := response.GetObject(&rndNumbers) // expects a rpc-object result value like: [10, 188, 14, 3]
+    if err != nil {
+        // do error handling
+    }
+    for _, num := range rndNumbers {
+        fmt.Printf("%v\n", num)
+    }
+### Using convenient function CallFor()
+A very handy way to quickly invoke methods and retrieve results is by using CallFor()
+You can directly provide an object where the result should be stored. Be sure to provide it be reference.
+An error is returned if:
+- there was an network / http error
+- RPCError object is not nil (err can be casted to this object)
+- rpc result could not be parsed into provided object
+One of te above examples could look like this:
+// json annotations are only required to transform the structure back to json
+type Person struct {
+    Id   int `json:"id"`
+    Name string `json:"name"`
+    Age  int `json:"age"`
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    var person *Person
+    err := rpcClient.CallFor(&person, "getPersonById", 123)
+    if err != nil || person == nil {
+      // handle error
+    }
+    fmt.Println(person.Name)
+Most of the time it is ok to check if a struct field is 0, empty string "" etc. to check if it was provided by the json rpc response.
+But if you want to be sure that a JSON-RPC response field was missing or not, you should use pointers to the fields.
+This is just a single example since all this Unmarshaling is standard go json functionality, exactly as if you would call json.Unmarshal(rpcResponse.ResultAsByteArray, &objectToStoreResult)
+type Person struct {
+    Id   *int    `json:"id"`
+    Name *string `json:"name"`
+    Age  *int    `json:"age"`
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    var person *Person
+    err := rpcClient.CallFor(&person, "getPersonById", 123)
+    if err != nil || person == nil {
+      // handle error
+    }
+    if person.Name == nil {
+      // json rpc response did not provide a field "name" in the result object
+    }
+### Using RPC Batch Requests
+You can send multiple RPC-Requests in one single HTTP request using RPC Batch Requests.
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClient("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc")
+    response, _ := rpcClient.CallBatch(RPCRequests{
+      NewRequest("myMethod1", 1, 2, 3),
+      NewRequest("anotherMethod", "Alex", 35, true),
+      NewRequest("myMethod2", &Person{
+        Name: "Emmy",
+        Age: 4,
+      }),
+    })
+Keep the following in mind:
+- the request / response id's are important to map the requests to the responses. CallBatch() automatically sets the ids to requests[i].ID == i
+- the response can be provided in an unordered and maybe incomplete form
+- when you want to set the id yourself use, CallRaw()
+There are some helper methods for batch request results:
+func main() {
+    // [...]
+    result.HasErrors() // returns true if one of the rpc response objects has Error field != nil
+    resultMap := result.AsMap() // returns a map for easier retrieval of requests
+    if response123, ok := resultMap[123]; ok {
+      // response object with id 123 exists, use it here
+      // response123.ID == 123
+      response123.GetObjectAs(&person)
+      // ...
+    }
+### Raw functions
+There are also Raw function calls. Consider the non Raw functions first, unless you know what you are doing.
+You can create invalid json rpc requests and have to take care of id's etc. yourself.
+Also check documentation of Params() for raw requests.
+### Custom Headers, Basic authentication
+If the rpc-service is running behind a basic authentication you can easily set the Authorization header:
+func main() {
+    rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClientWithOpts("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc", &jsonrpc.RPCClientOpts{
+   		CustomHeaders: map[string]string{
+   			"Authorization": "Basic " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte("myUser"+":"+"mySecret")),
+   		},
+   	})
+    response, _ := rpcClient.Call("addNumbers", 1, 2) // send with Authorization-Header
+### Using oauth
+Using oauth is also easy, e.g. with clientID and clientSecret authentication
+func main() {
+		credentials := clientcredentials.Config{
+    		ClientID:     "myID",
+    		ClientSecret: "mySecret",
+    		TokenURL:     "http://mytokenurl",
+    	}
+    	rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClientWithOpts("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc", &jsonrpc.RPCClientOpts{
+    		HTTPClient: credentials.Client(context.Background()),
+    	})
+	// requests now retrieve and use an oauth token
+### Set a custom httpClient
+If you have some special needs on the http.Client of the standard go library, just provide your own one.
+For example to use a proxy when executing json-rpc calls:
+func main() {
+	proxyURL, _ := url.Parse("http://proxy:8080")
+	transport := &http.Transport{Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxyURL)}
+	httpClient := &http.Client{
+		Transport: transport,
+	}
+	rpcClient := jsonrpc.NewClientWithOpts("http://my-rpc-service:8080/rpc", &jsonrpc.RPCClientOpts{
+		HTTPClient: httpClient,
+	})
+	// requests now use proxy
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+// Package jsonrpc provides a JSON-RPC 2.0 client that sends JSON-RPC requests and receives JSON-RPC responses using HTTP.
+package jsonrpc
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"net/http"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+const (
+	jsonrpcVersion = "2.0"
+// RPCClient sends JSON-RPC requests over HTTP to the provided JSON-RPC backend.
+// RPCClient is created using the factory function NewClient().
+type RPCClient interface {
+	// Call is used to send a JSON-RPC request to the server endpoint.
+	//
+	// The spec states, that params can only be an array or an object, no primitive values.
+	// So there are a few simple rules to notice:
+	//
+	// 1. no params: params field is omitted. e.g. Call("getinfo")
+	//
+	// 2. single params primitive value: value is wrapped in array. e.g. Call("getByID", 1423)
+	//
+	// 3. single params value array or object: value is unchanged. e.g. Call("storePerson", &Person{Name: "Alex"})
+	//
+	// 4. multiple params values: always wrapped in array. e.g. Call("setDetails", "Alex, 35, "Germany", true)
+	//
+	// Examples:
+	//   Call("getinfo") -> {"method": "getinfo"}
+	//   Call("getPersonId", 123) -> {"method": "getPersonId", "params": [123]}
+	//   Call("setName", "Alex") -> {"method": "setName", "params": ["Alex"]}
+	//   Call("setMale", true) -> {"method": "setMale", "params": [true]}
+	//   Call("setNumbers", []int{1, 2, 3}) -> {"method": "setNumbers", "params": [1, 2, 3]}
+	//   Call("setNumbers", 1, 2, 3) -> {"method": "setNumbers", "params": [1, 2, 3]}
+	//   Call("savePerson", &Person{Name: "Alex", Age: 35}) -> {"method": "savePerson", "params": {"name": "Alex", "age": 35}}
+	//   Call("setPersonDetails", "Alex", 35, "Germany") -> {"method": "setPersonDetails", "params": ["Alex", 35, "Germany"}}
+	//
+	// for more information, see the examples or the unit tests
+	Call(method string, params ...interface{}) (*RPCResponse, error)
+	// CallRaw is like Call() but without magic in the requests.Params field.
+	// The RPCRequest object is sent exactly as you provide it.
+	// See docs: NewRequest, RPCRequest, Params()
+	//
+	// It is recommended to first consider Call() and CallFor()
+	CallRaw(request *RPCRequest) (*RPCResponse, error)
+	// CallFor is a very handy function to send a JSON-RPC request to the server endpoint
+	// and directly specify an object to store the response.
+	//
+	// out: will store the unmarshaled object, if request was successful.
+	// should always be provided by references. can be nil even on success.
+	// the behaviour is the same as expected from json.Unmarshal()
+	//
+	// method and params: see Call() function
+	//
+	// if the request was not successful (network, http error) or the rpc response returns an error,
+	// an error is returned. if it was an JSON-RPC error it can be casted
+	// to *RPCError.
+	//
+	CallFor(out interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error
+	// CallBatch invokes a list of RPCRequests in a single batch request.
+	//
+	// Most convenient is to use the following form:
+	// CallBatch(RPCRequests{
+	//   Batch("myMethod1", 1, 2, 3),
+	//   Batch("myMethod2), "Test"),
+	// })
+	//
+	// You can create the []*RPCRequest array yourself, but it is not recommended and you should notice the following:
+	// - field Params is sent as provided, so Params: 2 forms an invalid json (correct would be Params: []int{2})
+	// - you can use the helper function Params(1, 2, 3) to use the same format as in Call()
+	// - field JSONRPC is overwritten and set to value: "2.0"
+	// - field ID is overwritten and set incrementally and maps to the array position (e.g. requests[5].ID == 5)
+	//
+	//
+	// Returns RPCResponses that is of type []*RPCResponse
+	// - note that a list of RPCResponses can be received unordered so it can happen that: responses[i] != responses[i].ID
+	// - RPCPersponses is enriched with helper functions e.g.: responses.HasError() returns  true if one of the responses holds an RPCError
+	CallBatch(requests RPCRequests) (RPCResponses, error)
+	// CallBatchRaw invokes a list of RPCRequests in a single batch request.
+	// It sends the RPCRequests parameter is it passed (no magic, no id autoincrement).
+	//
+	// Consider to use CallBatch() instead except you have some good reason not to.
+	//
+	// CallBatchRaw(RPCRequests{
+	//   &RPCRequest{
+	//     ID: 123,            // this won't be replaced in CallBatchRaw
+	//     JSONRPC: "wrong",   // this won't be replaced in CallBatchRaw
+	//     Method: "myMethod1",
+	//     Params: []int{1},   // there is no magic, be sure to only use array or object
+	//   },
+	//   &RPCRequest{
+	//     ID: 612,
+	//     JSONRPC: "2.0",
+	//     Method: "myMethod2",
+	//     Params: Params("Alex", 35, true), // you can use helper function Params() (see doc)
+	//   },
+	// })
+	//
+	// Returns RPCResponses that is of type []*RPCResponse
+	// - note that a list of RPCResponses can be received unordered
+	// - the id's must be mapped against the id's you provided
+	// - RPCPersponses is enriched with helper functions e.g.: responses.HasError() returns  true if one of the responses holds an RPCError
+	CallBatchRaw(requests RPCRequests) (RPCResponses, error)
+// RPCRequest represents a JSON-RPC request object.
+// Method: string containing the method to be invoked
+// Params: can be nil. if not must be an json array or object
+// ID: may always set to 1 for single requests. Should be unique for every request in one batch request.
+// JSONRPC: must always be set to "2.0" for JSON-RPC version 2.0
+// See:
+// Most of the time you shouldn't create the RPCRequest object yourself.
+// The following functions do that for you:
+// Call(), CallFor(), NewRequest()
+// If you want to create it yourself (e.g. in batch or CallRaw()), consider using Params().
+// Params() is a helper function that uses the same parameter syntax as Call().
+// e.g. to manually create an RPCRequest object:
+// request := &RPCRequest{
+//   Method: "myMethod",
+//   Params: Params("Alex", 35, true),
+// }
+// If you know what you are doing you can omit the Params() call to avoid some reflection but potentially create incorrect rpc requests:
+//request := &RPCRequest{
+//   Method: "myMethod",
+//   Params: 2, <-- invalid since a single primitive value must be wrapped in an array --> no magic without Params()
+// }
+// correct:
+// request := &RPCRequest{
+//   Method: "myMethod",
+//   Params: []int{2}, <-- invalid since a single primitive value must be wrapped in an array
+// }
+type RPCRequest struct {
+	Method  string      `json:"method"`
+	Params  interface{} `json:"params,omitempty"`
+	ID      int         `json:"id"`
+	JSONRPC string      `json:"jsonrpc"`
+// NewRequest returns a new RPCRequest that can be created using the same convenient parameter syntax as Call()
+// e.g. NewRequest("myMethod", "Alex", 35, true)
+func NewRequest(method string, params ...interface{}) *RPCRequest {
+	request := &RPCRequest{
+		Method:  method,
+		Params:  Params(params...),
+		JSONRPC: jsonrpcVersion,
+	}
+	return request
+// RPCResponse represents a JSON-RPC response object.
+// Result: holds the result of the rpc call if no error occurred, nil otherwise. can be nil even on success.
+// Error: holds an RPCError object if an error occurred. must be nil on success.
+// ID: may always be 0 for single requests. is unique for each request in a batch call (see CallBatch())
+// JSONRPC: must always be set to "2.0" for JSON-RPC version 2.0
+// See:
+type RPCResponse struct {
+	JSONRPC string      `json:"jsonrpc"`
+	Result  interface{} `json:"result,omitempty"`
+	Error   *RPCError   `json:"error,omitempty"`
+	ID      int         `json:"id"`
+// RPCError represents a JSON-RPC error object if an RPC error occurred.
+// Code: holds the error code
+// Message: holds a short error message
+// Data: holds additional error data, may be nil
+// See:
+type RPCError struct {
+	Code    int         `json:"code"`
+	Message string      `json:"message"`
+	Data    interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
+// Error function is provided to be used as error object.
+func (e *RPCError) Error() string {
+	return strconv.Itoa(e.Code) + ":" + e.Message
+// HTTPError represents a error that occurred on HTTP level.
+// An error of type HTTPError is returned when a HTTP error occurred (status code)
+// and the body could not be parsed to a valid RPCResponse object that holds a RPCError.
+// Otherwise a RPCResponse object is returned with a RPCError field that is not nil.
+type HTTPError struct {
+	Code int
+	err  error
+// Error function is provided to be used as error object.
+func (e *HTTPError) Error() string {
+	return e.err.Error()
+type rpcClient struct {
+	endpoint      string
+	httpClient    *http.Client
+	customHeaders map[string]string
+// RPCClientOpts can be provided to NewClientWithOpts() to change configuration of RPCClient.
+// HTTPClient: provide a custom http.Client (e.g. to set a proxy, or tls options)
+// CustomHeaders: provide custom headers, e.g. to set BasicAuth
+type RPCClientOpts struct {
+	HTTPClient    *http.Client
+	CustomHeaders map[string]string
+// RPCResponses is of type []*RPCResponse.
+// This type is used to provide helper functions on the result list
+type RPCResponses []*RPCResponse
+// AsMap returns the responses as map with response id as key.
+func (res RPCResponses) AsMap() map[int]*RPCResponse {
+	resMap := make(map[int]*RPCResponse, 0)
+	for _, r := range res {
+		resMap[r.ID] = r
+	}
+	return resMap
+// GetByID returns the response object of the given id, nil if it does not exist.
+func (res RPCResponses) GetByID(id int) *RPCResponse {
+	for _, r := range res {
+		if r.ID == id {
+			return r
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// HasError returns true if one of the response objects has Error field != nil
+func (res RPCResponses) HasError() bool {
+	for _, res := range res {
+		if res.Error != nil {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+// RPCRequests is of type []*RPCRequest.
+// This type is used to provide helper functions on the request list
+type RPCRequests []*RPCRequest
+// NewClient returns a new RPCClient instance with default configuration.
+// endpoint: JSON-RPC service URL to which JSON-RPC requests are sent.
+func NewClient(endpoint string) RPCClient {
+	return NewClientWithOpts(endpoint, nil)
+// NewClientWithOpts returns a new RPCClient instance with custom configuration.
+// endpoint: JSON-RPC service URL to which JSON-RPC requests are sent.
+// opts: RPCClientOpts provide custom configuration
+func NewClientWithOpts(endpoint string, opts *RPCClientOpts) RPCClient {
+	rpcClient := &rpcClient{
+		endpoint:      endpoint,
+		httpClient:    &http.Client{},
+		customHeaders: make(map[string]string),
+	}
+	if opts == nil {
+		return rpcClient
+	}
+	if opts.HTTPClient != nil {
+		rpcClient.httpClient = opts.HTTPClient
+	}
+	if opts.CustomHeaders != nil {
+		for k, v := range opts.CustomHeaders {
+			rpcClient.customHeaders[k] = v
+		}
+	}
+	return rpcClient
+func (client *rpcClient) Call(method string, params ...interface{}) (*RPCResponse, error) {
+	request := &RPCRequest{
+		Method:  method,
+		Params:  Params(params...),
+		JSONRPC: jsonrpcVersion,
+	}
+	return client.doCall(request)
+func (client *rpcClient) CallRaw(request *RPCRequest) (*RPCResponse, error) {
+	return client.doCall(request)
+func (client *rpcClient) CallFor(out interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error {
+	rpcResponse, err := client.Call(method, params...)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if rpcResponse.Error != nil {
+		return rpcResponse.Error
+	}
+	return rpcResponse.GetObject(out)
+func (client *rpcClient) CallBatch(requests RPCRequests) (RPCResponses, error) {
+	if len(requests) == 0 {
+		return nil, errors.New("empty request list")
+	}
+	for i, req := range requests {
+		req.ID = i
+		req.JSONRPC = jsonrpcVersion
+	}
+	return client.doBatchCall(requests)
+func (client *rpcClient) CallBatchRaw(requests RPCRequests) (RPCResponses, error) {
+	if len(requests) == 0 {
+		return nil, errors.New("empty request list")
+	}
+	return client.doBatchCall(requests)
+func (client *rpcClient) newRequest(req interface{}) (*http.Request, error) {
+	body, err := json.Marshal(req)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	request, err := http.NewRequest("POST", client.endpoint, bytes.NewReader(body))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+	request.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
+	// set default headers first, so that even content type and accept can be overwritten
+	for k, v := range client.customHeaders {
+		request.Header.Set(k, v)
+	}
+	return request, nil
+func (client *rpcClient) doCall(RPCRequest *RPCRequest) (*RPCResponse, error) {
+	httpRequest, err := client.newRequest(RPCRequest)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc call %v() on %v: %v", RPCRequest.Method, httpRequest.URL.String(), err.Error())
+	}
+	httpResponse, err := client.httpClient.Do(httpRequest)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc call %v() on %v: %v", RPCRequest.Method, httpRequest.URL.String(), err.Error())
+	}
+	defer httpResponse.Body.Close()
+	var rpcResponse *RPCResponse
+	decoder := json.NewDecoder(httpResponse.Body)
+	decoder.DisallowUnknownFields()
+	decoder.UseNumber()
+	err = decoder.Decode(&rpcResponse)
+	// parsing error
+	if err != nil {
+		// if we have some http error, return it
+		if httpResponse.StatusCode >= 400 {
+			return nil, &HTTPError{
+				Code: httpResponse.StatusCode,
+				err:  fmt.Errorf("rpc call %v() on %v status code: %v. could not decode body to rpc response: %v", RPCRequest.Method, httpRequest.URL.String(), httpResponse.StatusCode, err.Error()),
+			}
+		}
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc call %v() on %v status code: %v. could not decode body to rpc response: %v", RPCRequest.Method, httpRequest.URL.String(), httpResponse.StatusCode, err.Error())
+	}
+	// response body empty
+	if rpcResponse == nil {
+		// if we have some http error, return it
+		if httpResponse.StatusCode >= 400 {
+			return nil, &HTTPError{
+				Code: httpResponse.StatusCode,
+				err:  fmt.Errorf("rpc call %v() on %v status code: %v. rpc response missing", RPCRequest.Method, httpRequest.URL.String(), httpResponse.StatusCode),
+			}
+		}
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc call %v() on %v status code: %v. rpc response missing", RPCRequest.Method, httpRequest.URL.String(), httpResponse.StatusCode)
+	}
+	return rpcResponse, nil
+func (client *rpcClient) doBatchCall(rpcRequest []*RPCRequest) ([]*RPCResponse, error) {
+	httpRequest, err := client.newRequest(rpcRequest)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc batch call on %v: %v", httpRequest.URL.String(), err.Error())
+	}
+	httpResponse, err := client.httpClient.Do(httpRequest)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc batch call on %v: %v", httpRequest.URL.String(), err.Error())
+	}
+	defer httpResponse.Body.Close()
+	var rpcResponse RPCResponses
+	decoder := json.NewDecoder(httpResponse.Body)
+	decoder.DisallowUnknownFields()
+	decoder.UseNumber()
+	err = decoder.Decode(&rpcResponse)
+	// parsing error
+	if err != nil {
+		// if we have some http error, return it
+		if httpResponse.StatusCode >= 400 {
+			return nil, &HTTPError{
+				Code: httpResponse.StatusCode,
+				err:  fmt.Errorf("rpc batch call on %v status code: %v. could not decode body to rpc response: %v", httpRequest.URL.String(), httpResponse.StatusCode, err.Error()),
+			}
+		}
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc batch call on %v status code: %v. could not decode body to rpc response: %v", httpRequest.URL.String(), httpResponse.StatusCode, err.Error())
+	}
+	// response body empty
+	if rpcResponse == nil || len(rpcResponse) == 0 {
+		// if we have some http error, return it
+		if httpResponse.StatusCode >= 400 {
+			return nil, &HTTPError{
+				Code: httpResponse.StatusCode,
+				err:  fmt.Errorf("rpc batch call on %v status code: %v. rpc response missing", httpRequest.URL.String(), httpResponse.StatusCode),
+			}
+		}
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc batch call on %v status code: %v. rpc response missing", httpRequest.URL.String(), httpResponse.StatusCode)
+	}
+	return rpcResponse, nil
+// Params is a helper function that uses the same parameter syntax as Call().
+// But you should consider to always use NewRequest() instead.
+// e.g. to manually create an RPCRequest object:
+// request := &RPCRequest{
+//   Method: "myMethod",
+//   Params: Params("Alex", 35, true),
+// }
+// same with new request:
+// request := NewRequest("myMethod", "Alex", 35, true)
+// If you know what you are doing you can omit the Params() call but potentially create incorrect rpc requests:
+//request := &RPCRequest{
+//   Method: "myMethod",
+//   Params: 2, <-- invalid since a single primitive value must be wrapped in an array --> no magic without Params()
+// }
+// correct:
+// request := &RPCRequest{
+//   Method: "myMethod",
+//   Params: []int{2}, <-- invalid since a single primitive value must be wrapped in an array
+// }
+func Params(params ...interface{}) interface{} {
+	var finalParams interface{}
+	// if params was nil skip this and p stays nil
+	if params != nil {
+		switch len(params) {
+		case 0: // no parameters were provided, do nothing so finalParam is nil and will be omitted
+		case 1: // one param was provided, use it directly as is, or wrap primitive types in array
+			if params[0] != nil {
+				var typeOf reflect.Type
+				// traverse until nil or not a pointer type
+				for typeOf = reflect.TypeOf(params[0]); typeOf != nil && typeOf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr; typeOf = typeOf.Elem() {
+				}
+				if typeOf != nil {
+					// now check if we can directly marshal the type or if it must be wrapped in an array
+					switch typeOf.Kind() {
+					// for these types we just do nothing, since value of p is already unwrapped from the array params
+					case reflect.Struct:
+						finalParams = params[0]
+					case reflect.Array:
+						finalParams = params[0]
+					case reflect.Slice:
+						finalParams = params[0]
+					case reflect.Interface:
+						finalParams = params[0]
+					case reflect.Map:
+						finalParams = params[0]
+					default: // everything else must stay in an array (int, string, etc)
+						finalParams = params
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				finalParams = params
+			}
+		default: // if more than one parameter was provided it should be treated as an array
+			finalParams = params
+		}
+	}
+	return finalParams
+// GetInt converts the rpc response to an int64 and returns it.
+// If result was not an integer an error is returned.
+func (RPCResponse *RPCResponse) GetInt() (int64, error) {
+	val, ok := RPCResponse.Result.(json.Number)
+	if !ok {
+		return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not parse int64 from %s", RPCResponse.Result)
+	}
+	i, err := val.Int64()
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	return i, nil
+// GetFloat converts the rpc response to float64 and returns it.
+// If result was not an float64 an error is returned.
+func (RPCResponse *RPCResponse) GetFloat() (float64, error) {
+	val, ok := RPCResponse.Result.(json.Number)
+	if !ok {
+		return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not parse float64 from %s", RPCResponse.Result)
+	}
+	f, err := val.Float64()
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	return f, nil
+// GetBool converts the rpc response to a bool and returns it.
+// If result was not a bool an error is returned.
+func (RPCResponse *RPCResponse) GetBool() (bool, error) {
+	val, ok := RPCResponse.Result.(bool)
+	if !ok {
+		return false, fmt.Errorf("could not parse bool from %s", RPCResponse.Result)
+	}
+	return val, nil
+// GetString converts the rpc response to a string and returns it.
+// If result was not a string an error is returned.
+func (RPCResponse *RPCResponse) GetString() (string, error) {
+	val, ok := RPCResponse.Result.(string)
+	if !ok {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("could not parse string from %s", RPCResponse.Result)
+	}
+	return val, nil
+// GetObject converts the rpc response to an arbitrary type.
+// The function works as you would expect it from json.Unmarshal()
+func (RPCResponse *RPCResponse) GetObject(toType interface{}) error {
+	js, err := json.Marshal(RPCResponse.Result)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	err = json.Unmarshal(js, toType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil