diff --git a/go/vendor/ b/go/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48d7150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package middleware
+import (
+	stdContext "context"
+	"net/http"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// Debug when true turns on verbose logging
+var Debug = logger.DebugEnabled()
+var Logger logger.Logger = logger.StandardLogger{}
+func debugLog(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+	if Debug {
+		Logger.Printf(format, args...)
+	}
+// A Builder can create middlewares
+type Builder func(http.Handler) http.Handler
+// PassthroughBuilder returns the handler, aka the builder identity function
+func PassthroughBuilder(handler http.Handler) http.Handler { return handler }
+// RequestBinder is an interface for types to implement
+// when they want to be able to bind from a request
+type RequestBinder interface {
+	BindRequest(*http.Request, *MatchedRoute) error
+// Responder is an interface for types to implement
+// when they want to be considered for writing HTTP responses
+type Responder interface {
+	WriteResponse(http.ResponseWriter, runtime.Producer)
+// ResponderFunc wraps a func as a Responder interface
+type ResponderFunc func(http.ResponseWriter, runtime.Producer)
+// WriteResponse writes to the response
+func (fn ResponderFunc) WriteResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, pr runtime.Producer) {
+	fn(rw, pr)
+// Context is a type safe wrapper around an untyped request context
+// used throughout to store request context with the standard context attached
+// to the http.Request
+type Context struct {
+	spec     *loads.Document
+	analyzer *analysis.Spec
+	api      RoutableAPI
+	router   Router
+type routableUntypedAPI struct {
+	api             *untyped.API
+	hlock           *sync.Mutex
+	handlers        map[string]map[string]http.Handler
+	defaultConsumes string
+	defaultProduces string
+func newRoutableUntypedAPI(spec *loads.Document, api *untyped.API, context *Context) *routableUntypedAPI {
+	var handlers map[string]map[string]http.Handler
+	if spec == nil || api == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	analyzer := analysis.New(spec.Spec())
+	for method, hls := range analyzer.Operations() {
+		um := strings.ToUpper(method)
+		for path, op := range hls {
+			schemes := analyzer.SecurityRequirementsFor(op)
+			if oh, ok := api.OperationHandlerFor(method, path); ok {
+				if handlers == nil {
+					handlers = make(map[string]map[string]http.Handler)
+				}
+				if b, ok := handlers[um]; !ok || b == nil {
+					handlers[um] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
+				}
+				var handler http.Handler = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+					// lookup route info in the context
+					route, rCtx, _ := context.RouteInfo(r)
+					if rCtx != nil {
+						r = rCtx
+					}
+					// bind and validate the request using reflection
+					var bound interface{}
+					var validation error
+					bound, r, validation = context.BindAndValidate(r, route)
+					if validation != nil {
+						context.Respond(w, r, route.Produces, route, validation)
+						return
+					}
+					// actually handle the request
+					result, err := oh.Handle(bound)
+					if err != nil {
+						// respond with failure
+						context.Respond(w, r, route.Produces, route, err)
+						return
+					}
+					// respond with success
+					context.Respond(w, r, route.Produces, route, result)
+				})
+				if len(schemes) > 0 {
+					handler = newSecureAPI(context, handler)
+				}
+				handlers[um][path] = handler
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return &routableUntypedAPI{
+		api:             api,
+		hlock:           new(sync.Mutex),
+		handlers:        handlers,
+		defaultProduces: api.DefaultProduces,
+		defaultConsumes: api.DefaultConsumes,
+	}
+func (r *routableUntypedAPI) HandlerFor(method, path string) (http.Handler, bool) {
+	r.hlock.Lock()
+	paths, ok := r.handlers[strings.ToUpper(method)]
+	if !ok {
+		r.hlock.Unlock()
+		return nil, false
+	}
+	handler, ok := paths[path]
+	r.hlock.Unlock()
+	return handler, ok
+func (r *routableUntypedAPI) ServeErrorFor(operationID string) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error) {
+	return r.api.ServeError
+func (r *routableUntypedAPI) ConsumersFor(mediaTypes []string) map[string]runtime.Consumer {
+	return r.api.ConsumersFor(mediaTypes)
+func (r *routableUntypedAPI) ProducersFor(mediaTypes []string) map[string]runtime.Producer {
+	return r.api.ProducersFor(mediaTypes)
+func (r *routableUntypedAPI) AuthenticatorsFor(schemes map[string]spec.SecurityScheme) map[string]runtime.Authenticator {
+	return r.api.AuthenticatorsFor(schemes)
+func (r *routableUntypedAPI) Authorizer() runtime.Authorizer {
+	return r.api.Authorizer()
+func (r *routableUntypedAPI) Formats() strfmt.Registry {
+	return r.api.Formats()
+func (r *routableUntypedAPI) DefaultProduces() string {
+	return r.defaultProduces
+func (r *routableUntypedAPI) DefaultConsumes() string {
+	return r.defaultConsumes
+// NewRoutableContext creates a new context for a routable API
+func NewRoutableContext(spec *loads.Document, routableAPI RoutableAPI, routes Router) *Context {
+	var an *analysis.Spec
+	if spec != nil {
+		an = analysis.New(spec.Spec())
+	}
+	ctx := &Context{spec: spec, api: routableAPI, analyzer: an, router: routes}
+	return ctx
+// NewContext creates a new context wrapper
+func NewContext(spec *loads.Document, api *untyped.API, routes Router) *Context {
+	var an *analysis.Spec
+	if spec != nil {
+		an = analysis.New(spec.Spec())
+	}
+	ctx := &Context{spec: spec, analyzer: an}
+	ctx.api = newRoutableUntypedAPI(spec, api, ctx)
+	ctx.router = routes
+	return ctx
+// Serve serves the specified spec with the specified api registrations as a http.Handler
+func Serve(spec *loads.Document, api *untyped.API) http.Handler {
+	return ServeWithBuilder(spec, api, PassthroughBuilder)
+// ServeWithBuilder serves the specified spec with the specified api registrations as a http.Handler that is decorated
+// by the Builder
+func ServeWithBuilder(spec *loads.Document, api *untyped.API, builder Builder) http.Handler {
+	context := NewContext(spec, api, nil)
+	return context.APIHandler(builder)
+type contextKey int8
+const (
+	_ contextKey = iota
+	ctxContentType
+	ctxResponseFormat
+	ctxMatchedRoute
+	ctxBoundParams
+	ctxSecurityPrincipal
+	ctxSecurityScopes
+// MatchedRouteFrom request context value.
+func MatchedRouteFrom(req *http.Request) *MatchedRoute {
+	mr := req.Context().Value(ctxMatchedRoute)
+	if mr == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	if res, ok := mr.(*MatchedRoute); ok {
+		return res
+	}
+	return nil
+// SecurityPrincipalFrom request context value.
+func SecurityPrincipalFrom(req *http.Request) interface{} {
+	return req.Context().Value(ctxSecurityPrincipal)
+// SecurityScopesFrom request context value.
+func SecurityScopesFrom(req *http.Request) []string {
+	rs := req.Context().Value(ctxSecurityScopes)
+	if res, ok := rs.([]string); ok {
+		return res
+	}
+	return nil
+type contentTypeValue struct {
+	MediaType string
+	Charset   string
+// BasePath returns the base path for this API
+func (c *Context) BasePath() string {
+	return c.spec.BasePath()
+// RequiredProduces returns the accepted content types for responses
+func (c *Context) RequiredProduces() []string {
+	return c.analyzer.RequiredProduces()
+// BindValidRequest binds a params object to a request but only when the request is valid
+// if the request is not valid an error will be returned
+func (c *Context) BindValidRequest(request *http.Request, route *MatchedRoute, binder RequestBinder) error {
+	var res []error
+	requestContentType := "*/*"
+	// check and validate content type, select consumer
+	if runtime.HasBody(request) {
+		ct, _, err := runtime.ContentType(request.Header)
+		if err != nil {
+			res = append(res, err)
+		} else {
+			if err := validateContentType(route.Consumes, ct); err != nil {
+				res = append(res, err)
+			}
+			if len(res) == 0 {
+				cons, ok := route.Consumers[ct]
+				if !ok {
+					res = append(res, errors.New(500, "no consumer registered for %s", ct))
+				} else {
+					route.Consumer = cons
+					requestContentType = ct
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// check and validate the response format
+	if len(res) == 0 && runtime.HasBody(request) {
+		if str := NegotiateContentType(request, route.Produces, requestContentType); str == "" {
+			res = append(res, errors.InvalidResponseFormat(request.Header.Get(runtime.HeaderAccept), route.Produces))
+		}
+	}
+	// now bind the request with the provided binder
+	// it's assumed the binder will also validate the request and return an error if the
+	// request is invalid
+	if binder != nil && len(res) == 0 {
+		if err := binder.BindRequest(request, route); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	if len(res) > 0 {
+		return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
+	}
+	return nil
+// ContentType gets the parsed value of a content type
+// Returns the media type, its charset and a shallow copy of the request
+// when its context doesn't contain the content type value, otherwise it returns
+// the same request
+// Returns the error that runtime.ContentType may retunrs.
+func (c *Context) ContentType(request *http.Request) (string, string, *http.Request, error) {
+	var rCtx = request.Context()
+	if v, ok := rCtx.Value(ctxContentType).(*contentTypeValue); ok {
+		return v.MediaType, v.Charset, request, nil
+	}
+	mt, cs, err := runtime.ContentType(request.Header)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", "", nil, err
+	}
+	rCtx = stdContext.WithValue(rCtx, ctxContentType, &contentTypeValue{mt, cs})
+	return mt, cs, request.WithContext(rCtx), nil
+// LookupRoute looks a route up and returns true when it is found
+func (c *Context) LookupRoute(request *http.Request) (*MatchedRoute, bool) {
+	if route, ok := c.router.Lookup(request.Method, request.URL.EscapedPath()); ok {
+		return route, ok
+	}
+	return nil, false
+// RouteInfo tries to match a route for this request
+// Returns the matched route, a shallow copy of the request if its context
+// contains the matched router, otherwise the same request, and a bool to
+// indicate if it the request matches one of the routes, if it doesn't
+// then it returns false and nil for the other two return values
+func (c *Context) RouteInfo(request *http.Request) (*MatchedRoute, *http.Request, bool) {
+	var rCtx = request.Context()
+	if v, ok := rCtx.Value(ctxMatchedRoute).(*MatchedRoute); ok {
+		return v, request, ok
+	}
+	if route, ok := c.LookupRoute(request); ok {
+		rCtx = stdContext.WithValue(rCtx, ctxMatchedRoute, route)
+		return route, request.WithContext(rCtx), ok
+	}
+	return nil, nil, false
+// ResponseFormat negotiates the response content type
+// Returns the response format and a shallow copy of the request if its context
+// doesn't contain the response format, otherwise the same request
+func (c *Context) ResponseFormat(r *http.Request, offers []string) (string, *http.Request) {
+	var rCtx = r.Context()
+	if v, ok := rCtx.Value(ctxResponseFormat).(string); ok {
+		debugLog("[%s %s] found response format %q in context", r.Method, r.URL.Path, v)
+		return v, r
+	}
+	format := NegotiateContentType(r, offers, "")
+	if format != "" {
+		debugLog("[%s %s] set response format %q in context", r.Method, r.URL.Path, format)
+		r = r.WithContext(stdContext.WithValue(rCtx, ctxResponseFormat, format))
+	}
+	debugLog("[%s %s] negotiated response format %q", r.Method, r.URL.Path, format)
+	return format, r
+// AllowedMethods gets the allowed methods for the path of this request
+func (c *Context) AllowedMethods(request *http.Request) []string {
+	return c.router.OtherMethods(request.Method, request.URL.EscapedPath())
+// ResetAuth removes the current principal from the request context
+func (c *Context) ResetAuth(request *http.Request) *http.Request {
+	rctx := request.Context()
+	rctx = stdContext.WithValue(rctx, ctxSecurityPrincipal, nil)
+	rctx = stdContext.WithValue(rctx, ctxSecurityScopes, nil)
+	return request.WithContext(rctx)
+// Authorize authorizes the request
+// Returns the principal object and a shallow copy of the request when its
+// context doesn't contain the principal, otherwise the same request or an error
+// (the last) if one of the authenticators returns one or an Unauthenticated error
+func (c *Context) Authorize(request *http.Request, route *MatchedRoute) (interface{}, *http.Request, error) {
+	if route == nil || !route.HasAuth() {
+		return nil, nil, nil
+	}
+	var rCtx = request.Context()
+	if v := rCtx.Value(ctxSecurityPrincipal); v != nil {
+		return v, request, nil
+	}
+	applies, usr, err := route.Authenticators.Authenticate(request, route)
+	if !applies || err != nil || !route.Authenticators.AllowsAnonymous() && usr == nil {
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, nil, err
+		}
+		return nil, nil, errors.Unauthenticated("invalid credentials")
+	}
+	if route.Authorizer != nil {
+		if err := route.Authorizer.Authorize(request, usr); err != nil {
+			return nil, nil, errors.New(http.StatusForbidden, err.Error())
+		}
+	}
+	rCtx = stdContext.WithValue(rCtx, ctxSecurityPrincipal, usr)
+	rCtx = stdContext.WithValue(rCtx, ctxSecurityScopes, route.Authenticator.AllScopes())
+	return usr, request.WithContext(rCtx), nil
+// BindAndValidate binds and validates the request
+// Returns the validation map and a shallow copy of the request when its context
+// doesn't contain the validation, otherwise it returns the same request or an
+// CompositeValidationError error
+func (c *Context) BindAndValidate(request *http.Request, matched *MatchedRoute) (interface{}, *http.Request, error) {
+	var rCtx = request.Context()
+	if v, ok := rCtx.Value(ctxBoundParams).(*validation); ok {
+		debugLog("got cached validation (valid: %t)", len(v.result) == 0)
+		if len(v.result) > 0 {
+			return v.bound, request, errors.CompositeValidationError(v.result...)
+		}
+		return v.bound, request, nil
+	}
+	result := validateRequest(c, request, matched)
+	rCtx = stdContext.WithValue(rCtx, ctxBoundParams, result)
+	request = request.WithContext(rCtx)
+	if len(result.result) > 0 {
+		return result.bound, request, errors.CompositeValidationError(result.result...)
+	}
+	debugLog("no validation errors found")
+	return result.bound, request, nil
+// NotFound the default not found responder for when no route has been matched yet
+func (c *Context) NotFound(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+	c.Respond(rw, r, []string{c.api.DefaultProduces()}, nil, errors.NotFound("not found"))
+// Respond renders the response after doing some content negotiation
+func (c *Context) Respond(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, produces []string, route *MatchedRoute, data interface{}) {
+	debugLog("responding to %s %s with produces: %v", r.Method, r.URL.Path, produces)
+	offers := []string{}
+	for _, mt := range produces {
+		if mt != c.api.DefaultProduces() {
+			offers = append(offers, mt)
+		}
+	}
+	// the default producer is last so more specific producers take precedence
+	offers = append(offers, c.api.DefaultProduces())
+	debugLog("offers: %v", offers)
+	var format string
+	format, r = c.ResponseFormat(r, offers)
+	rw.Header().Set(runtime.HeaderContentType, format)
+	if resp, ok := data.(Responder); ok {
+		producers := route.Producers
+		prod, ok := producers[format]
+		if !ok {
+			prods := c.api.ProducersFor(normalizeOffers([]string{c.api.DefaultProduces()}))
+			pr, ok := prods[c.api.DefaultProduces()]
+			if !ok {
+				panic(errors.New(http.StatusInternalServerError, "can't find a producer for "+format))
+			}
+			prod = pr
+		}
+		resp.WriteResponse(rw, prod)
+		return
+	}
+	if err, ok := data.(error); ok {
+		if format == "" {
+			rw.Header().Set(runtime.HeaderContentType, runtime.JSONMime)
+		}
+		if route == nil || route.Operation == nil {
+			c.api.ServeErrorFor("")(rw, r, err)
+			return
+		}
+		c.api.ServeErrorFor(route.Operation.ID)(rw, r, err)
+		return
+	}
+	if route == nil || route.Operation == nil {
+		rw.WriteHeader(200)
+		if r.Method == "HEAD" {
+			return
+		}
+		producers := c.api.ProducersFor(normalizeOffers(offers))
+		prod, ok := producers[format]
+		if !ok {
+			panic(errors.New(http.StatusInternalServerError, "can't find a producer for "+format))
+		}
+		if err := prod.Produce(rw, data); err != nil {
+			panic(err) // let the recovery middleware deal with this
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	if _, code, ok := route.Operation.SuccessResponse(); ok {
+		rw.WriteHeader(code)
+		if code == 204 || r.Method == "HEAD" {
+			return
+		}
+		producers := route.Producers
+		prod, ok := producers[format]
+		if !ok {
+			if !ok {
+				prods := c.api.ProducersFor(normalizeOffers([]string{c.api.DefaultProduces()}))
+				pr, ok := prods[c.api.DefaultProduces()]
+				if !ok {
+					panic(errors.New(http.StatusInternalServerError, "can't find a producer for "+format))
+				}
+				prod = pr
+			}
+		}
+		if err := prod.Produce(rw, data); err != nil {
+			panic(err) // let the recovery middleware deal with this
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	c.api.ServeErrorFor(route.Operation.ID)(rw, r, errors.New(http.StatusInternalServerError, "can't produce response"))
+// APIHandler returns a handler to serve the API, this includes a swagger spec, router and the contract defined in the swagger spec
+func (c *Context) APIHandler(builder Builder) http.Handler {
+	b := builder
+	if b == nil {
+		b = PassthroughBuilder
+	}
+	var title string
+	sp := c.spec.Spec()
+	if sp != nil && sp.Info != nil && sp.Info.Title != "" {
+		title = sp.Info.Title
+	}
+	redocOpts := RedocOpts{
+		BasePath: c.BasePath(),
+		Title:    title,
+	}
+	return Spec("", c.spec.Raw(), Redoc(redocOpts, c.RoutesHandler(b)))
+// RoutesHandler returns a handler to serve the API, just the routes and the contract defined in the swagger spec
+func (c *Context) RoutesHandler(builder Builder) http.Handler {
+	b := builder
+	if b == nil {
+		b = PassthroughBuilder
+	}
+	return NewRouter(c, b(NewOperationExecutor(c)))