Replace rules_pip with rules_python; use bazel built upstream grpc
instead of Python packages

As usual with Python sadness, the @pydeps wheels are built on the bazel
host, so stuffing them inside a container_image (or py_image) will cause
new and unexpected kinds of misery.

Change-Id: Id4e4d53741cf2da367f01aa15c21c133c5cf0dba
22 files changed
tree: 84ee447ca0a48363c980ac54a1ca5a7235e74637
  1. app/
  2. bgpwtf/
  3. bzl/
  4. cluster/
  5. dc/
  6. devtools/
  7. doc/
  8. gcp/
  9. go/
  10. hswaw/
  11. kube/
  12. ops/
  13. personal/
  14. third_party/
  15. tools/
  16. .bazelrc
  17. .gitignore
  18. BUILD
  22. hackdoc.toml
  23. OWNERS

hscloud is the main monorepo of the Warsaw Hackerspace infrastructure code.

Any time you see a //path/like/this, it refers to the root of hscloud, ie. the path path/like/this in this repository. Perforce and/or Bazel users should feel right at home.

Viewing this documentation

For a pleaseant web viewing experience, see this documentation in hackdoc. This will allow you to read this markdown file (and others) in a pretty, linkable view.

Getting started

See //doc/codelabs for tutorials on how to use hscloud.

If you want to browse the source of hscloud in a web browser, use gerrit's gitiles.

If you want some other help, talk to q3k, informatic or your therapist.

Directory Structure

Directories you should care about:

  • app: external services that we host that are somewhat universal: matrix, covid-formity, etc.
  • bgpwtf: code related to our little ISP
  • cluster: code related to our Kubernetes cluster (
  • dc: code related to datacenter automation
  • devtools: code related to developer tooling, like gerrit or hackdoc
  • doc: high-level documentation that doesn't fit anywhere else, ie. codelabs
  • hswaw: Warsaw Hackerspace specific/internal services. The line between this and app is unfortunately blurry.
  • personal: user's personal (experimental) directories
  • kube, go: code specific to languages but general to the whole of hscloud


Unless noted otherwise, code in hscloud is licensed under the BSD 0-clause license - see COPYING.