lelegram: init

This is an IRC/Telegram bridge.

It does multi-account puppet-like access to IRC making everyone's life

Compared to teleirc it also:
 - is smarter about converting messages
 - uses teleimg for public image access
 - is not written in JS

Experimental for now.

Change-Id: I66ba3f83abdfdea6463ab3be5380d8d3f2769291
diff --git a/personal/q3k/lelegram/BUILD.bazel b/personal/q3k/lelegram/BUILD.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d41b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/personal/q3k/lelegram/BUILD.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image", "container_layer", "container_push")
+load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary", "go_library")
+    name = "go_default_library",
+    srcs = [
+        "main.go",
+        "telegram.go",
+    ],
+    importpath = "code.hackerspace.pl/hscloud/personal/q3k/lelegram",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+        "//go/mirko:go_default_library",
+        "//personal/q3k/lelegram/irc:go_default_library",
+        "@com_github_go_telegram_bot_api_telegram_bot_api//:go_default_library",
+        "@com_github_golang_glog//:go_default_library",
+    ],
+    name = "lelegram",
+    embed = [":go_default_library"],
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    name = "layer_bin",
+    files = [
+        ":lelegram",
+    ],
+    directory = "/lelegram/",
+    name = "runtime",
+    base = "@prodimage-bionic//image",
+    layers = [
+        ":layer_bin",
+    ],
+    name = "push",
+    image = ":runtime",
+    format = "Docker",
+    registry = "registry.k0.hswaw.net",
+    repository = "q3k/lelegram",