diff --git a/ b/
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index 0000000..59b8335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
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+Old Shitty Arista eAPI/Capi <-> gRPC proxy
+Our Arista 7148S does not support gRPC/OpenConfig, so we have to make our own damn gRPC proxy.
+The schema is supposed to be 1:1 mapped to the JSON-RPC EAPI. This is just a dumb proxy.
+PKI Introduction
+This project is a testing ground for the HSCloud PKI setup. Long story short,
+all gRPC is mutually authenticated via TLS (server & client certs).
+All certs for mutual auth have the following CN/SAN format:
+   <job>.<principal>.<realm>
+For example, if principal maps into a 'group' and job into a 'user':
+   job = arista-proxy-dcr01u23
+   principal = cluster-management-prod
+   realm =
+The Realm is a DNS name that is global to all jobs that need mutual authentication.
+The Principal is any name that carries significance for logical grouping of jobs.
+It can, but doesn't need to, group jobs by similar permissions.
+The Job is any name that identifies uniquely (within the principal) a security
+endpoint that describes a single security policy for a gRPC endpoint.
+The entire CN should be DNS resolvable into an IP address that would respond to
+gRPC requests on port 42000 (with a server TLS certificate that represents this CN) if the
+job represents a service.
+This maps nicely to the Kubernetes Cluster DNS format if you set `realm` to `svc.cluster.local`.
+Then, `principal` maps to a Kubernetes namespace, and `job` maps into a Kubernetes service.
+    arista-proxy-dcr01u23.arista-prod.svc.cluster.local
+    job/service = arista-proxy-dcr01u23
+    principal/namespace = arista-prod
+    realm = svc.cluster.local
+ACLs based on job/principal are yet to be implemented :).
+PKI Certs for Development
+In production, those certs will be automatigacally provided for you by
+automation. In development, you'll have to do the following:
+    cd pki
+    ./
+This will generate:
+ - `pki/ca.pem` - CA certificate
+ - `pki/client{,-key}.pem` - certificate and key for `developer.humans.svc.cluster.local`
+ - `pki/service{,-key}.pem` - certificate and key for `test.arista-proxy.svc.cluster.local`
+You will have to setup an /etc/hosts alias to make `test.arista-proxy.svc.cluster.local` resolve to your machine.
+    # cat /etc/hosts
+    ...
+ test.arista-proxy.svc.cluster.local
+    ...
+You can then start `arista-proxy` with default flags and talk to it via gRPC:
+    ./arista-proxy
+    alias grpc-dev="grpc -cacert $(pwd)/pki/ca.pem -key $(pwd)/pki/client-key.pem -cert $(pwd)/pki/client.pem"
+    grpc-dev test.arista-proxy.svc.cluster.local:42000 proto.AristaProxy.ShowVersion