laserproxy: document deployment

Change-Id: I4461b8c392f79781247605315b2e1b744bbb1acb
diff --git a/hswaw/laserproxy/ b/hswaw/laserproxy/
index 3a2e8db..56af4b7 100644
--- a/hswaw/laserproxy/
+++ b/hswaw/laserproxy/
@@ -15,3 +15,14 @@
 A lock is taken through a web interface by the user that wants to access the laser.
 When a lock is taken, the Locker will notify a Proxy worker about this address. The Proxy will then perform the UDP proxying. As traffic is proxied, the Proxy will send bump updates to the Locker to extend the lock deadline.
+You'll need root access to customs.
+    bazel build --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:openbsd_amd64 //hswaw/laserproxy
+    ssh root@customs supervisorctl stop laserproxy
+    scp bazel-bin/hswaw/laserproxy/laserproxy_/laserproxy root@customs:/var/laserproxy/laserproxy
+    ssh root@customs supervisorctl start laserproxy