third_party/go: add minio client lib

This adds, a library that can be used to
access S3-like storage, eg. our own radosgw. It's significantly lighter
than the entire Go AWS SDK, and seems to also be more idiomatic than it.

Change-Id: I1e18c7665b58480fb72e789692aa7f37816cd28f
diff --git a/third_party/go/repositories.bzl b/third_party/go/repositories.bzl
index 2a9c249..d4355a6 100644
--- a/third_party/go/repositories.bzl
+++ b/third_party/go/repositories.bzl
@@ -1790,3 +1790,39 @@
         version = "v0.3.0",
         build_extra_args = ["-exclude=src"],
+    go_repository(
+        name = "com_github_minio_minio_go_v7",
+        importpath = "",
+        sum = "h1:1oUKe4EOPUEhw2qnPQaPsJ0lmVTYLFu03SiItauXs94=",
+        version = "v7.0.10",
+    )
+    go_repository(
+        name = "in_gopkg_ini_v1",
+        importpath = "",
+        sum = "h1:duBzk771uxoUuOlyRLkHsygud9+5lrlGjdFBb4mSKDU=",
+        version = "v1.62.0",
+    )
+    go_repository(
+        name = "com_github_minio_md5_simd",
+        importpath = "",
+        sum = "h1:Gdi1DZK69+ZVMoNHRXJyNcxrMA4dSxoYHZSQbirFg34=",
+        version = "v1.1.2",
+    )
+    go_repository(
+        name = "com_github_minio_sha256_simd",
+        importpath = "",
+        sum = "h1:v1ta+49hkWZyvaKwrQB8elexRqm6Y0aMLjCNsrYxo6g=",
+        version = "v1.0.0",
+    )
+    go_repository(
+        name = "com_github_klauspost_cpuid_v2",
+        importpath = "",
+        sum = "h1:qnfhwbFriwDIX51QncuNU5mEMf+6KE3t7O8V2KQl3Dg=",
+        version = "v2.0.5",
+    )
+    go_repository(
+        name = "com_github_rs_xid",
+        importpath = "",
+        sum = "h1:mhH9Nq+C1fY2l1XIpgxIiUOfNpRBYH1kKcr+qfKgjRc=",
+        version = "v1.2.1",
+    )