go/svc: finish porting services to Bazel

The following services were never ported:
 - cmc-proxy
 - arista-proxy
 - m6220-proxy
 - topo

They now build.

Change-Id: I0688bfe43cdff946e6662e21969ef539382c0e86
diff --git a/go/svc/arista-proxy/proto/arista.proto b/go/svc/arista-proxy/proto/arista.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d306b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/svc/arista-proxy/proto/arista.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package proto;
+option go_package = "code.hackerspace.pl/hscloud/go/svc/arista-proxy/proto";
+message ShowVersionRequest {
+message ShowVersionResponse {
+    string model_name = 1;
+    string internal_version = 2;
+    string system_mac_address = 3;
+    string serial_number = 4;
+    int64 mem_total = 5;
+    double bootup_timestamp = 6;
+    int64 mem_free = 7;
+    string version = 8;
+    string architecture = 9;
+    string internal_build_id = 10;
+    string hardware_revision = 11;
+message ShowEnvironmentTemperatureRequest {
+message ShowEnvironmentTemperatureResponse {
+service AristaProxy {
+    rpc ShowVersion(ShowVersionRequest) returns (ShowVersionResponse);
+    rpc ShowEnvironmentTemperature(ShowEnvironmentTemperatureRequest) returns (ShowEnvironmentTemperatureResponse);