ops/monitoring: pull in grafonnet-7.0

Change-Id: Ie036ef767419418876a18255a5ad378f5cfa1535
diff --git a/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/gauge.libsonnet b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/gauge.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4520444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/gauge.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// This file was generated by https://github.com/grafana/dashboard-spec
+  new(
+    datasource='default',
+    description=null,
+    repeat=null,
+    repeatDirection=null,
+    title=null,
+    transparent=false,
+  ):: {
+    [if datasource != null then 'datasource']: datasource,
+    [if description != null then 'description']: description,
+    [if repeat != null then 'repeat']: repeat,
+    [if repeatDirection != null then 'repeatDirection']: repeatDirection,
+    [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+    [if transparent != null then 'transparent']: transparent,
+    type: 'gauge',
+    setFieldConfig(
+      max=null,
+      min=null,
+      thresholdMode='absolute',
+      unit=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if max != null then 'max']: max } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if min != null then 'min']: min } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { thresholds+: { [if thresholdMode != null then 'mode']: thresholdMode } } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if unit != null then 'unit']: unit } } }
+    ,
+    setGridPos(
+      h=8,
+      w=12,
+      x=null,
+      y=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { gridPos+: { [if h != null then 'h']: h } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if w != null then 'w']: w } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if x != null then 'x']: x } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if y != null then 'y']: y } }
+    ,
+    setOptions(
+      calcs=['mean'],
+      fields=null,
+      orientation='auto',
+      showThresholdLabels=false,
+      showThresholdMarkers=true,
+      values=false,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { options+: { reduceOptions+: { [if calcs != null then 'calcs']: calcs } } }
+        + { options+: { reduceOptions+: { [if fields != null then 'fields']: fields } } }
+        + { options+: { [if orientation != null then 'orientation']: orientation } }
+        + { options+: { [if showThresholdLabels != null then 'showThresholdLabels']: showThresholdLabels } }
+        + { options+: { [if showThresholdMarkers != null then 'showThresholdMarkers']: showThresholdMarkers } }
+        + { options+: { reduceOptions+: { [if values != null then 'values']: values } } }
+    ,
+    addDataLink(
+      targetBlank=true,
+      title=null,
+      url=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { links+: [
+          {
+            [if targetBlank != null then 'targetBlank']: targetBlank,
+            [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+            [if url != null then 'url']: url,
+          },
+        ] } } },
+    addPanelLink(
+      targetBlank=true,
+      title=null,
+      url=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { links+: [
+          {
+            [if targetBlank != null then 'targetBlank']: targetBlank,
+            [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+            [if url != null then 'url']: url,
+          },
+        ] },
+    addMapping(
+      from=null,
+      id=null,
+      operator=null,
+      text=null,
+      to=null,
+      type=null,
+      value=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { mappings+: [
+          {
+            [if from != null then 'from']: from,
+            [if id != null then 'id']: id,
+            [if operator != null then 'operator']: operator,
+            [if text != null then 'text']: text,
+            [if to != null then 'to']: to,
+            [if type != null then 'type']: type,
+            [if value != null then 'value']: value,
+          },
+        ] } } },
+    addOverride(
+      matcher=null,
+      properties=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { overrides+: [
+          {
+            [if matcher != null then 'matcher']: matcher,
+            [if properties != null then 'properties']: properties,
+          },
+        ] } },
+    addThresholdStep(
+      color=null,
+      value=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { thresholds+: { steps+: [
+          {
+            [if color != null then 'color']: color,
+            [if value != null then 'value']: value,
+          },
+        ] } } } },
+    addTarget(
+      target
+    ):: self {}
+        + { targets+: [
+          target,
+        ] },
+  },
diff --git a/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/graph.libsonnet b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/graph.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34985a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/graph.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+// This file was generated by https://github.com/grafana/dashboard-spec
+  new(
+    bars=false,
+    dashLength=10,
+    dashes=false,
+    datasource='default',
+    decimals=null,
+    description=null,
+    fill=1,
+    fillGradient=0,
+    hiddenSeries=false,
+    lines=true,
+    linewidth=1,
+    nullPointMode='null',
+    percentage=false,
+    pointradius=null,
+    points=false,
+    repeat=null,
+    repeatDirection=null,
+    spaceLength=10,
+    stack=false,
+    steppedLine=false,
+    timeFrom=null,
+    timeShift=null,
+    title=null,
+    transparent=false,
+  ):: {
+    [if bars != null then 'bars']: bars,
+    [if dashLength != null then 'dashLength']: dashLength,
+    [if dashes != null then 'dashes']: dashes,
+    [if datasource != null then 'datasource']: datasource,
+    [if decimals != null then 'decimals']: decimals,
+    [if description != null then 'description']: description,
+    [if fill != null then 'fill']: fill,
+    [if fillGradient != null then 'fillGradient']: fillGradient,
+    [if hiddenSeries != null then 'hiddenSeries']: hiddenSeries,
+    [if lines != null then 'lines']: lines,
+    [if linewidth != null then 'linewidth']: linewidth,
+    [if nullPointMode != null then 'nullPointMode']: nullPointMode,
+    [if percentage != null then 'percentage']: percentage,
+    [if pointradius != null then 'pointradius']: pointradius,
+    [if points != null then 'points']: points,
+    [if repeat != null then 'repeat']: repeat,
+    [if repeatDirection != null then 'repeatDirection']: repeatDirection,
+    [if spaceLength != null then 'spaceLength']: spaceLength,
+    [if stack != null then 'stack']: stack,
+    [if steppedLine != null then 'steppedLine']: steppedLine,
+    [if timeFrom != null then 'timeFrom']: timeFrom,
+    [if timeShift != null then 'timeShift']: timeShift,
+    [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+    [if transparent != null then 'transparent']: transparent,
+    renderer: 'flot',
+    type: 'graph',
+    tooltip+: { value_type: 'individual' },
+    setGridPos(
+      h=8,
+      w=12,
+      x=null,
+      y=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { gridPos+: { [if h != null then 'h']: h } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if w != null then 'w']: w } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if x != null then 'x']: x } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if y != null then 'y']: y } }
+    ,
+    setLegend(
+      alignAsTable=null,
+      avg=false,
+      current=false,
+      max=false,
+      min=false,
+      rightSide=false,
+      show=true,
+      sideWidth=null,
+      total=false,
+      values=true,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { legend+: { [if alignAsTable != null then 'alignAsTable']: alignAsTable } }
+        + { legend+: { [if avg != null then 'avg']: avg } }
+        + { legend+: { [if current != null then 'current']: current } }
+        + { legend+: { [if max != null then 'max']: max } }
+        + { legend+: { [if min != null then 'min']: min } }
+        + { legend+: { [if rightSide != null then 'rightSide']: rightSide } }
+        + { legend+: { [if show != null then 'show']: show } }
+        + { legend+: { [if sideWidth != null then 'sideWidth']: sideWidth } }
+        + { legend+: { [if total != null then 'total']: total } }
+        + { legend+: { [if values != null then 'values']: values } }
+    ,
+    setThresholds(
+      thresholdMode='absolute',
+    ):: self {}
+        + { thresholds+: { [if thresholdMode != null then 'mode']: thresholdMode } }
+    ,
+    setTooltip(
+      shared=true,
+      sort=2,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { tooltip+: { [if shared != null then 'shared']: shared } }
+        + { tooltip+: { [if sort != null then 'sort']: sort } }
+    ,
+    setXaxis(
+      buckets=null,
+      mode='time',
+      name=null,
+      show=true,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { xaxis+: { [if buckets != null then 'buckets']: buckets } }
+        + { xaxis+: { [if mode != null then 'mode']: mode } }
+        + { xaxis+: { [if name != null then 'name']: name } }
+        + { xaxis+: { [if show != null then 'show']: show } }
+    ,
+    setYaxis(
+      align=false,
+      alignLevel=0,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { yaxis+: { [if align != null then 'align']: align } }
+        + { yaxis+: { [if alignLevel != null then 'alignLevel']: alignLevel } }
+    ,
+    addDataLink(
+      targetBlank=true,
+      title=null,
+      url=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { options+: { dataLinks+: [
+          {
+            [if targetBlank != null then 'targetBlank']: targetBlank,
+            [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+            [if url != null then 'url']: url,
+          },
+        ] } },
+    addPanelLink(
+      targetBlank=true,
+      title=null,
+      url=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { links+: [
+          {
+            [if targetBlank != null then 'targetBlank']: targetBlank,
+            [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+            [if url != null then 'url']: url,
+          },
+        ] },
+    addOverride(
+      matcher=null,
+      properties=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { overrides+: [
+          {
+            [if matcher != null then 'matcher']: matcher,
+            [if properties != null then 'properties']: properties,
+          },
+        ] } },
+    addSeriesOverride(
+      alias=null,
+      bars=null,
+      color=null,
+      dashLength=null,
+      dashes=null,
+      fill=null,
+      fillBelowTo=null,
+      fillGradient=null,
+      hiddenSeries=null,
+      hideTooltip=null,
+      legend=null,
+      lines=null,
+      linewidth=null,
+      nullPointMode=null,
+      pointradius=null,
+      points=null,
+      spaceLength=null,
+      stack=null,
+      steppedLine=null,
+      transform=null,
+      yaxis=null,
+      zindex=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { seriesOverrides+: [
+          {
+            [if alias != null then 'alias']: alias,
+            [if bars != null then 'bars']: bars,
+            [if color != null then 'color']: color,
+            [if dashLength != null then 'dashLength']: dashLength,
+            [if dashes != null then 'dashes']: dashes,
+            [if fill != null then 'fill']: fill,
+            [if fillBelowTo != null then 'fillBelowTo']: fillBelowTo,
+            [if fillGradient != null then 'fillGradient']: fillGradient,
+            [if hiddenSeries != null then 'hiddenSeries']: hiddenSeries,
+            [if hideTooltip != null then 'hideTooltip']: hideTooltip,
+            [if legend != null then 'legend']: legend,
+            [if lines != null then 'lines']: lines,
+            [if linewidth != null then 'linewidth']: linewidth,
+            [if nullPointMode != null then 'nullPointMode']: nullPointMode,
+            [if pointradius != null then 'pointradius']: pointradius,
+            [if points != null then 'points']: points,
+            [if spaceLength != null then 'spaceLength']: spaceLength,
+            [if stack != null then 'stack']: stack,
+            [if steppedLine != null then 'steppedLine']: steppedLine,
+            [if transform != null then 'transform']: transform,
+            [if yaxis != null then 'yaxis']: yaxis,
+            [if zindex != null then 'zindex']: zindex,
+          },
+        ] },
+    addThresholdStep(
+      color=null,
+      value=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { thresholds+: { steps+: [
+          {
+            [if color != null then 'color']: color,
+            [if value != null then 'value']: value,
+          },
+        ] } },
+    addTarget(
+      target
+    ):: self {}
+        + { targets+: [
+          target,
+        ] },
+    addYaxis(
+      decimals=null,
+      format='short',
+      label=null,
+      logBase=1,
+      max=null,
+      min=null,
+      show=true,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { yaxes+: [
+          {
+            [if decimals != null then 'decimals']: decimals,
+            [if format != null then 'format']: format,
+            [if label != null then 'label']: label,
+            [if logBase != null then 'logBase']: logBase,
+            [if max != null then 'max']: max,
+            [if min != null then 'min']: min,
+            [if show != null then 'show']: show,
+          },
+        ] },
+  },
diff --git a/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/row.libsonnet b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/row.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8a21d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/row.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// This file was generated by https://github.com/grafana/dashboard-spec
+  new(
+    collapse=true,
+    collapsed=true,
+    datasource=null,
+    repeat=null,
+    repeatIteration=null,
+    showTitle=true,
+    title=null,
+    titleSize='h6',
+  ):: {
+    [if collapse != null then 'collapse']: collapse,
+    [if collapsed != null then 'collapsed']: collapsed,
+    [if datasource != null then 'datasource']: datasource,
+    [if repeat != null then 'repeat']: repeat,
+    [if repeatIteration != null then 'repeatIteration']: repeatIteration,
+    [if showTitle != null then 'showTitle']: showTitle,
+    [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+    [if titleSize != null then 'titleSize']: titleSize,
+    type: 'row',
+    setGridPos(
+      h=8,
+      w=12,
+      x=null,
+      y=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { gridPos+: { [if h != null then 'h']: h } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if w != null then 'w']: w } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if x != null then 'x']: x } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if y != null then 'y']: y } }
+    ,
+    addPanel(
+      panel
+    ):: self {}
+        + { panels+: [
+          panel,
+        ] },
+  },
diff --git a/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/stat.libsonnet b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/stat.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a14c938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/stat.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// This file was generated by https://github.com/grafana/dashboard-spec
+  new(
+    datasource='default',
+    description=null,
+    repeat=null,
+    repeatDirection=null,
+    title=null,
+    transparent=false,
+  ):: {
+    [if datasource != null then 'datasource']: datasource,
+    [if description != null then 'description']: description,
+    [if repeat != null then 'repeat']: repeat,
+    [if repeatDirection != null then 'repeatDirection']: repeatDirection,
+    [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+    [if transparent != null then 'transparent']: transparent,
+    type: 'stat',
+    setFieldConfig(
+      max=null,
+      min=null,
+      thresholdMode='absolute',
+      unit=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if max != null then 'max']: max } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if min != null then 'min']: min } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { thresholds+: { [if thresholdMode != null then 'mode']: thresholdMode } } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if unit != null then 'unit']: unit } } }
+    ,
+    setGridPos(
+      h=8,
+      w=12,
+      x=null,
+      y=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { gridPos+: { [if h != null then 'h']: h } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if w != null then 'w']: w } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if x != null then 'x']: x } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if y != null then 'y']: y } }
+    ,
+    setOptions(
+      calcs=['mean'],
+      colorMode='value',
+      fields=null,
+      graphMode='none',
+      justifyMode='auto',
+      orientation='auto',
+      textMode='auto',
+      values=false,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { options+: { reduceOptions+: { [if calcs != null then 'calcs']: calcs } } }
+        + { options+: { [if colorMode != null then 'colorMode']: colorMode } }
+        + { options+: { reduceOptions+: { [if fields != null then 'fields']: fields } } }
+        + { options+: { [if graphMode != null then 'graphMode']: graphMode } }
+        + { options+: { [if justifyMode != null then 'justifyMode']: justifyMode } }
+        + { options+: { [if orientation != null then 'orientation']: orientation } }
+        + { options+: { [if textMode != null then 'textMode']: textMode } }
+        + { options+: { reduceOptions+: { [if values != null then 'values']: values } } }
+    ,
+    addPanelLink(
+      targetBlank=true,
+      title=null,
+      url=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { links+: [
+          {
+            [if targetBlank != null then 'targetBlank']: targetBlank,
+            [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+            [if url != null then 'url']: url,
+          },
+        ] },
+    addDataLink(
+      targetBlank=true,
+      title=null,
+      url=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { links+: [
+          {
+            [if targetBlank != null then 'targetBlank']: targetBlank,
+            [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+            [if url != null then 'url']: url,
+          },
+        ] } } },
+    addMapping(
+      from=null,
+      id=null,
+      operator=null,
+      text=null,
+      to=null,
+      type=null,
+      value=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { mappings+: [
+          {
+            [if from != null then 'from']: from,
+            [if id != null then 'id']: id,
+            [if operator != null then 'operator']: operator,
+            [if text != null then 'text']: text,
+            [if to != null then 'to']: to,
+            [if type != null then 'type']: type,
+            [if value != null then 'value']: value,
+          },
+        ] } } },
+    addOverride(
+      matcher=null,
+      properties=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { overrides+: [
+          {
+            [if matcher != null then 'matcher']: matcher,
+            [if properties != null then 'properties']: properties,
+          },
+        ] } },
+    addThresholdStep(
+      color=null,
+      value=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { thresholds+: { steps+: [
+          {
+            [if color != null then 'color']: color,
+            [if value != null then 'value']: value,
+          },
+        ] } } } },
+    addTarget(
+      target
+    ):: self {}
+        + { targets+: [
+          target,
+        ] },
+  },
diff --git a/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/table.libsonnet b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/table.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bd2152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/table.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// This file was generated by https://github.com/grafana/dashboard-spec
+  new(
+    datasource='default',
+    description=null,
+    repeat=null,
+    repeatDirection=null,
+    title=null,
+    transparent=false,
+  ):: {
+    [if datasource != null then 'datasource']: datasource,
+    [if description != null then 'description']: description,
+    [if repeat != null then 'repeat']: repeat,
+    [if repeatDirection != null then 'repeatDirection']: repeatDirection,
+    [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+    [if transparent != null then 'transparent']: transparent,
+    type: 'table',
+    setFieldConfig(
+      displayName=null,
+      max=0,
+      min=0,
+      thresholdMode='absolute',
+      noValue=null,
+      unit='short',
+      width=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if displayName != null then 'displayName']: displayName } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if max != null then 'max']: max } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if min != null then 'min']: min } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { thresholds+: { [if thresholdMode != null then 'mode']: thresholdMode } } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if noValue != null then 'noValue']: noValue } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { [if unit != null then 'unit']: unit } } }
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { custom+: { [if width != null then 'width']: width } } } }
+    ,
+    setGridPos(
+      h=8,
+      w=12,
+      x=null,
+      y=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { gridPos+: { [if h != null then 'h']: h } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if w != null then 'w']: w } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if x != null then 'x']: x } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if y != null then 'y']: y } }
+    ,
+    setOptions(
+      showHeader=true,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { options+: { [if showHeader != null then 'showHeader']: showHeader } }
+    ,
+    addDataLink(
+      targetBlank=true,
+      title=null,
+      url=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { links+: [
+          {
+            [if targetBlank != null then 'targetBlank']: targetBlank,
+            [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+            [if url != null then 'url']: url,
+          },
+        ] } } },
+    addPanelLink(
+      targetBlank=true,
+      title=null,
+      url=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { links+: [
+          {
+            [if targetBlank != null then 'targetBlank']: targetBlank,
+            [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+            [if url != null then 'url']: url,
+          },
+        ] },
+    addMapping(
+      from=null,
+      id=null,
+      operator=null,
+      text=null,
+      to=null,
+      type=null,
+      value=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { mappings+: [
+          {
+            [if from != null then 'from']: from,
+            [if id != null then 'id']: id,
+            [if operator != null then 'operator']: operator,
+            [if text != null then 'text']: text,
+            [if to != null then 'to']: to,
+            [if type != null then 'type']: type,
+            [if value != null then 'value']: value,
+          },
+        ] } } },
+    addOverride(
+      matcher=null,
+      properties=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { overrides+: [
+          {
+            [if matcher != null then 'matcher']: matcher,
+            [if properties != null then 'properties']: properties,
+          },
+        ] } },
+    addThresholdStep(
+      color=null,
+      value=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { fieldConfig+: { defaults+: { thresholds+: { steps+: [
+          {
+            [if color != null then 'color']: color,
+            [if value != null then 'value']: value,
+          },
+        ] } } } },
+    addTarget(
+      target
+    ):: self {}
+        + { targets+: [
+          target,
+        ] },
+  },
diff --git a/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/text.libsonnet b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/text.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c4c682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ops/monitoring/lib/grafonnet/panel/text.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// This file was generated by https://github.com/grafana/dashboard-spec
+  new(
+    content=null,
+    datasource='default',
+    description=null,
+    mode='markdown',
+    repeat=null,
+    repeatDirection=null,
+    title=null,
+    transparent=false,
+  ):: {
+    [if content != null then 'content']: content,
+    [if datasource != null then 'datasource']: datasource,
+    [if description != null then 'description']: description,
+    [if mode != null then 'mode']: mode,
+    [if repeat != null then 'repeat']: repeat,
+    [if repeatDirection != null then 'repeatDirection']: repeatDirection,
+    [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+    [if transparent != null then 'transparent']: transparent,
+    type: 'text',
+    setGridPos(
+      h=8,
+      w=12,
+      x=null,
+      y=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { gridPos+: { [if h != null then 'h']: h } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if w != null then 'w']: w } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if x != null then 'x']: x } }
+        + { gridPos+: { [if y != null then 'y']: y } }
+    ,
+    addPanelLink(
+      targetBlank=true,
+      title=null,
+      url=null,
+    ):: self {}
+        + { links+: [
+          {
+            [if targetBlank != null then 'targetBlank']: targetBlank,
+            [if title != null then 'title']: title,
+            [if url != null then 'url']: url,
+          },
+        ] },
+    addTarget(
+      target
+    ):: self {}
+        + { targets+: [
+          target,
+        ] },
+  },