*: rejigger tls certs and more

This pretty large change does the following:

 - moves nix from bootstrap.hswaw.net to nix/
 - changes clustercfg to use cfssl and moves it to cluster/clustercfg
 - changes clustercfg to source information about target location of
   certs from nix
 - changes clustercfg to push nix config
 - changes tls certs to have more than one CA
 - recalculates all TLS certs
   (it keeps the old serviceaccoutns key, otherwise we end up with
   invalid serviceaccounts - the cert doesn't match, but who cares,
   it's not used anyway)
diff --git a/cluster/kube/lib/calico.libsonnet b/cluster/kube/lib/calico.libsonnet
index 8a12b0e..0e00ff7 100644
--- a/cluster/kube/lib/calico.libsonnet
+++ b/cluster/kube/lib/calico.libsonnet
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
             // TODO(q3k): Separate etcd for calico
             etcd: {
                 endpoints: ["https://bc01n%02d.hswaw.net:2379" % n for n in std.range(1, 3)],
-                ca: importstr "../../certs/ca.crt",
-                cert: importstr "../../certs/kube-calico.crt",
-                key: importstr "../../secrets/plain/kube-calico.key",
+                ca: importstr "../../certs/ca-etcd.crt",
+                cert: importstr "../../certs/etcd-calico.cert",
+                key: importstr "../../secrets/plain/etcd-calico.key",