bgpwtf/cccampix: add IRR daemon

We add a small IRR service for getting a parsed RPSL from IRRs. For now,
we only support RIPE and ARIN, and only the following attributes:
 - remarks
 - import
 - export

Since RPSL/RFC2622 is fucking insane, there is no guarantee that the
parser, especially the import/export parser, is correct. But it should
be good enough for our use. We even throw in some tests for good

    $ grpcurl -format text -plaintext -d 'as: "26625"' ix.IRR.Query
    source: SOURCE_ARIN
    attributes: <
      import: <
        expressions: <
          peering: "AS6083"
          actions: "pref=10"
        filter: "ANY"
    attributes: <
      import: <
        expressions: <
          peering: "AS12491"
          actions: "pref=10"
        filter: "ANY"

Change-Id: I8b240ffe2cd3553a25ce33dbd3917c0aef64e804
diff --git a/bgpwtf/cccampix/proto/ix.proto b/bgpwtf/cccampix/proto/ix.proto
index c938386..01ddc4f 100644
--- a/bgpwtf/cccampix/proto/ix.proto
+++ b/bgpwtf/cccampix/proto/ix.proto
@@ -39,3 +39,45 @@
     // GetIXMembers returns information about membership of a given PeeringDB IX.
     rpc GetIXMembers(GetIXMembersRequest) returns (GetIXMembersResponse);
+message IRRQueryRequest {
+    // AS to query for. This needs be the AS number of the AS, possibly
+    // prefixed with 'as'/'AS'.
+    string as = 1;
+message IRRAttribute {
+    message ImportExport {
+        message Expression {
+            string peering = 1;
+            string router_us = 2;
+            string router_them = 3;
+            repeated string actions = 4;
+        }
+        string protocol_from = 1;
+        string protocol_into = 2;
+        repeated Expression expressions = 3;
+        string filter = 4;
+    }
+    oneof value {
+        string remarks = 1;
+        ImportExport import = 2;
+        ImportExport export = 3;
+    }
+message IRRQueryResponse {
+    enum Source {
+        SOURCE_INVALID = 0;
+        SOURCE_RIPE = 1;
+        SOURCE_ARIN = 2;
+    }
+    Source source = 1;
+    repeated IRRAttribute attributes = 2;
+service IRR {
+    // Query returns parsed RPSL data from supported IRRs for a given aut-num.
+    rpc Query(IRRQueryRequest) returns (IRRQueryResponse);