Merge changes I2afe9e52,Ideb13ba9

* changes:
  app/matrix/appservice-irc: implement passwordEncryptionKey
  app/matrix/appservice-irc: add ignoreIdleUsersOnStartup option
diff --git a/app/matrix/lib/appservice-irc.libsonnet b/app/matrix/lib/appservice-irc.libsonnet
index 7628920..b9e5b84 100644
--- a/app/matrix/lib/appservice-irc.libsonnet
+++ b/app/matrix/lib/appservice-irc.libsonnet
@@ -6,9 +6,18 @@
         local cfg = bridge.cfg,
         cfg:: {
             metadata: {},
-            config: std.native("parseYaml")(importstr "appservice/appservice-irc.yaml")[0],
+            config: std.native("parseYaml")(importstr "appservice/appservice-irc.yaml")[0] {
+                ircService+: {
+                    [if cfg.passwordEncryptionKeySecret != null then "passwordEncryptionKeyPath"]: "/key/key.pem"
+                },
+            },
             image: error "image must be set",
             storageClassName: error "storageClassName must be set",
+            # RSA encryption private key secret name containing "key.pem" key
+            # Create using:
+            #   kubectl -n matrix create secret generic appservice-irc-password-encryption-key --from-file=key.pem=<(openssl genpkey -out - -outform PEM -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048)
+            passwordEncryptionKeySecret: null,
         config: kube.ConfigMap("appservice-irc-%s" % [name]) {
@@ -67,7 +76,9 @@
                             config: kube.ConfigMapVolume(bridge.config),
                             data: kube.PersistentVolumeClaimVolume(bridge.dataVolume),
                             registration: { secret: { secretName: "appservice-irc-%s-registration" % [name] } },
-                        },
+                        } + (if cfg.passwordEncryptionKeySecret != null then {
+                            key: { secret: { secretName: cfg.passwordEncryptionKeySecret } },
+                        } else {}),
                         nodeSelector: cfg.nodeSelector,
                         containers_: {
                             appserviceIrc: kube.Container("appservice-irc-%s" % [name]) {
@@ -80,7 +91,9 @@
                                     registration: { mountPath: "/registration", },
                                     config: { mountPath: "/config", },
                                     data: { mountPath: "/data" },
-                                },
+                                } + (if cfg.passwordEncryptionKeySecret != null then {
+                                    key: { mountPath: "/key" },
+                                } else {}),
diff --git a/app/matrix/lib/appservice/appservice-irc.yaml b/app/matrix/lib/appservice/appservice-irc.yaml
index cc65926..49c07f8 100644
--- a/app/matrix/lib/appservice/appservice-irc.yaml
+++ b/app/matrix/lib/appservice/appservice-irc.yaml
@@ -239,6 +239,16 @@
         #      initial: false
         #      incremental: false
+        # Should the bridge ignore users which are not considered active on the bridge
+        # during startup
+        ignoreIdleUsersOnStartup:
+          enabled: true
+          # How many hours can a user be considered idle for before they are considered
+          # ignoreable
+          idleForHours: 72
+          # A regex which will exclude matching MXIDs from this check.
+          # exclude: "foobar"
         # 1:many mappings from IRC channels to room IDs on this IRC server.
         # The matrix room must already exist. Your matrix client should expose
diff --git a/app/matrix/ b/app/matrix/
index 8ca94f4..f150f6d 100644
--- a/app/matrix/
+++ b/app/matrix/
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
+                passwordEncryptionKeySecret: "appservice-irc-password-encryption-key",
         "telegram-prod": telegram.AppServiceTelegram("prod") {