kartongips: paper over^W^Wfix CRD updates

Ceph CRD updates would fail with:

  ERROR Error updating customresourcedefinitions cephclusters.ceph.rook.io: expected kind, but got map

This wasn't just https://github.com/bitnami/kubecfg/issues/259 . We pull
in the 'solution' from Pulumi
(https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/pull/622) which just
retries the update via a JSON update instead, and that seems to have

We also add some better error return wrapping, which I used to debug
this issue properly.


Change-Id: I2007a7857e44128d74760174b61b59efa58e9cbc
diff --git a/cluster/kube/lib/rook.libsonnet b/cluster/kube/lib/rook.libsonnet
index 5810384..e9ed75b 100644
--- a/cluster/kube/lib/rook.libsonnet
+++ b/cluster/kube/lib/rook.libsonnet
@@ -27,10 +27,7 @@
         policyInsecure: policies.AllowNamespaceInsecure(cfg.namespace),
         crds: {
-            # BUG: cannot control this because of:
-            # ERROR Error updating customresourcedefinitions cephclusters.ceph.rook.io: expected kind, but got map
-            # TODO(q3k): debug and fix kubecfg (it's _not_ just https://github.com/bitnami/kubecfg/issues/259 )
-            cephclusters:: kube.CustomResourceDefinition("ceph.rook.io", "v1", "CephCluster") {
+            cephclusters: kube.CustomResourceDefinition("ceph.rook.io", "v1", "CephCluster") {
                 spec+: {
                     additionalPrinterColumns: [
                         { name: "DataDirHostPath", type: "string", description: "Directory used on the K8s nodes", JSONPath: ".spec.dataDirHostPath" },