*: tear down ceph-waw2

It reached the stage of being crapped out so much that the OSDs spurious
IOPS killed the performance of disks colocated on the same M610 RAID
controllers. This made etcd _very_ slow, to the point of churning
through re-elections due to timeouts.

etcd/apiserver latencies, observe the difference at ~15:38:


I moved gerrit/* and matrix/appservice-irc-freenode PVCs to ceph-waw3 by
hand. The rest were non-critical so I removed them, they can be
recovered from benji backups if needed.

Change-Id: Iffbe87aefc06d8324a82b958a579143b7dd9914c
diff --git a/app/matrix/matrix.hackerspace.pl.jsonnet b/app/matrix/matrix.hackerspace.pl.jsonnet
index d71dd84..6488fbb 100644
--- a/app/matrix/matrix.hackerspace.pl.jsonnet
+++ b/app/matrix/matrix.hackerspace.pl.jsonnet
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@
         "irc-freenode": irc.AppServiceIrc("freenode") {
             cfg+: {
                 image: cfg.images.appserviceIRC,
-                // TODO(q3k): move this appservice to waw-hdd-redundant-3
-                storageClassName: "waw-hdd-paranoid-2",
+                storageClassName: "waw-hdd-redundant-3",
                 metadata: app.metadata("appservice-irc-freenode"),
                 // TODO(q3k): add labels to blessed nodes
                 nodeSelector: {