third_party/factorio: init

We turn the existing experimental BUILD file into a nicely abstracted
starlark rule generator, for generating both external repositories and
container build rules from a single source of truth.

We also add 0.18.22 (which we already pushed via :push_latest).

Change-Id: I521d6e5cb9447eaf6f237671b7ef07d621cd9c77
diff --git a/third_party/factorio/BUILD b/third_party/factorio/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1028dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/factorio/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+load("//third_party/factorio:factorio.bzl", "factorio_images")
diff --git a/third_party/factorio/ b/third_party/factorio/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22c7392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/factorio/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+We allow importing [Factorio]( server binaries into hscloud. A machinery is provided that builds Docker images for a given version of factorio and pushes them to `${version}-${revision}`. Available versions are defined in [factorio.bzl](factorio.bzl).
+Production deployments of Factorio are still experimental, see [personal/q3k/factorio](/personal/q3k/factorio).
diff --git a/third_party/factorio/ b/third_party/factorio/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8077a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/factorio/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+echo " starting..."
+if [ ! -d /data ]; then
+    echo "/data is not mounted, exiting."
+    exit 1
+cd /data
+if [ ! -f /data/ ]; then
+    echo "No save game, creating new..."
+    /factorio/bin/x64/factorio --create game
+echo "Running with args: $@"
+exec /factorio/bin/x64/factorio --start-server game "$@"
diff --git a/third_party/factorio/factorio.bzl b/third_party/factorio/factorio.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0d661e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/factorio/factorio.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Automatically download, package, containerize and push Factorio server images.
+For each version defined, the following will be declared:
+  - @factorio-headless-${version}: a repository containing the factorio server tarball
+  - //third_party/factorio:${version}-1: a container_image rule to build a docker container running a factorio server
+  - //third_party/factorio:push_${version}-1: a container_push rule to push that container image to${version}-1
+In addition, a //third_party/factorio:push_latest rule will also be created for the highest versioned server version. This is for convenience.
+To add a new version of Factorio, just update the _versions map with the new version number and the sha256 sum of its tarball.
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_file")
+load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image", "container_push")
+# version -> sha256 of server tarball
+_versions = {
+    "0.16.51": "6cb09f5ac87f16f8d5b43cef26c0ae26cc46a57a0382e253dfda032dc5bb367f",
+    "0.17.41": "bf2d16b23c3bbd97e41889d3e27670b6d958fa3d50f0befb41d234f735e8e6d1",
+    "0.17.52": "24458a4e16875b0b63677b7e7a068ce2e5b298c110381d17c6f596fd1406db0e",
+    "0.17.79": "9ace12fa986df028dc1851bf4de2cb038044d743e98823bc1c48ba21aa4d23df",
+    "0.18.12": "e0c6a46d66cfc02cba294a5fd34265e7e7a5168b8c8a7b16ad8dbac31470ed33",
+    "0.18.17": "42adce9fddde393023afb0aae19dd030a32ca0810191c0e7b9b7c55556e9bbce",
+    "0.18.22": "d90e349b61182c1e48bd34797faedc2f9b5b4e349d218ef3d987ae9d90762f7f",
+def factorio_repository(version, sha256):
+    http_file(
+        name = "factorio-headless-%s" % (version),
+        urls = [
+            "" % (version),
+        ],
+        sha256 = sha256,
+        downloaded_file_path = "factorio.tar.xz",
+    )
+def factorio_repositories():
+    for v, sha256 in _versions.items():
+        factorio_repository(v, sha256)
+def factorio_image(version, revision):
+    image_name = "%s-%d" % (version, revision)
+    container_image(
+        name = image_name,
+        base = "@prodimage-bionic//image",
+        tars = ["@factorio-headless-%s//file" % (version)],
+        files = [""],
+        directory = "/",
+        entrypoint = ["/"],
+    )
+    container_push(
+        name = "push_%s-%d" % (version, revision),
+        image = ":%s" % (image_name),
+        format = "Docker",
+        registry = "",
+        repository = "app/factorio",
+        tag = "%s-%d" % (version, revision),
+    )
+def _sort_by_version(v):
+    return [int(el) for el in v.split(".")]
+def factorio_images():
+    revision_overrides = {
+        "0.18.12": 2,
+    }
+    for v in _versions.keys():
+        revision = revision_overrides.get(v, 1)
+        factorio_image(v, revision)
+    highest_version = sorted(_versions.keys(), key=_sort_by_version, reverse=True)[0]
+    revision = revision_overrides.get(highest_version, 1)
+    container_push(
+        name = "push_latest",
+        image = ":%s-%d" % (highest_version, revision),
+        format = "Docker",
+        registry = "",
+        repository = "app/factorio",
+        tag = "%s-%d" % (highest_version, revision),
+    )