cluster/kube: deploy admitomatic

This doesn't yet enable a webhook, but deploys admitomatic itself.

Change-Id: Id177bc8841c873031f9c196b8ff3c12dd846ba8e
diff --git a/cluster/kube/k0.libsonnet b/cluster/kube/k0.libsonnet
index f393dbe..b5feb05 100644
--- a/cluster/kube/k0.libsonnet
+++ b/cluster/kube/k0.libsonnet
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 local cluster = import "cluster.libsonnet";
+local admitomatic = import "lib/admitomatic.libsonnet";
 local cockroachdb = import "lib/cockroachdb.libsonnet";
 local registry = import "lib/registry.libsonnet";
 local rook = import "lib/rook.libsonnet";
@@ -308,5 +309,57 @@
             # TODO(implr): restricted policy with CAP_NET_ADMIN and tuntap, but no full root
+        # Admission controller that permits non-privileged users to manage
+        # their namespaces without danger of hijacking important URLs.
+        admitomatic: admitomatic.Environment {
+            cfg+: {
+                proto: {
+                    // Domains allowed in given namespaces. If a domain exists
+                    // anywhere, ingresses will only be permitted to be created
+                    // within namespaces in which it appears here. This works
+                    // the same way for wildcards, if a wildcard exists in this
+                    // list it blocks all unauthorized uses of that domain
+                    // elsewhere.
+                    //
+                    // See //cluster/admitomatic for more information.
+                    //
+                    // Or, tl;dr:
+                    //
+                    // If you do a wildcard CNAME onto the k0 ingress, you
+                    // should explicitly state * here.
+                    //
+                    // If you just want to protect your host from being
+                    // hijacked by other cluster users, you should also state
+                    // it here (either as a wildcard, or unary domains).
+                    allow_domain: [
+                        { namespace: "covid-formity", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "covid-formity", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "covid-formity", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "devtools-prod", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "devtools-prod", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "engelsystem-prod", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "gerrit", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "gitea-prod", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "hswaw-prod", dns: "*" },
+                        { namespace: "internet", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "matrix", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "onlyoffice-prod", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "redmine", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "speedtest", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "sso", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "ceph-waw3", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "ceph-waw3", dns: "" },
+                        { namespace: "monitoring-global-k0", dns: "*" },
+                        { namespace: "registry", dns: "*" },
+                        // q3k's legacy namespace (pre-prodvider)
+                        { namespace: "q3k", dns: "*" },
+                        { namespace: "personal-q3k", dns: "*" },
+                    ],
+                },
+            },
+        },