Make golang deps fetching go faster

This commit aims to increase the speed of hscloud rebuild process
by optimizing the behavior of Go dependency fetching routines.

Gazelle v0.25.0 introduced a new dependency resolution mode
where it does not reach out for external dependencies; instead,
it operates solely on what is contained inside the workspace.

Because static dependency resolution mode is now the default
behavior in go_repository() rules, we are also updating the
contents of //third_party/go/repositories.bzl.

Also, I changed some of the bigger Go dependencies to be downloaded
by a tarball fetch in order to speed up the rebuild process.

Other changes:
  * Bump nixpkgs to a fresh snapshot
  * Upgrade to Bazel v5

Change-Id: Icfe752411b3128bcd5b25fa28bb76bec45ae2f71
Reviewed-by: q3k <>
diff --git a/default.nix b/default.nix
index d3eb869..126e34c 100644
--- a/default.nix
+++ b/default.nix
@@ -8,14 +8,20 @@
   readTree = import ./nix/readtree {};
   # Tracking nixos-unstable as of 2021-08-11.
-  nixpkgsCommit = "e26c0ffdb013cd378fc2528a44689a8bf35d2a6c";
+  nixpkgsCommit = "42aae6fa748a41ced37373fc6d914de512658178";
   nixpkgsSrc = fetchTarball {
     url = "${nixpkgsCommit}.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "1b33hw35fqb9rzszdg5jpiyfvhx2cxpv0qrkyr19zkdpdahzdbss";
+    sha256 = "I7oAGC1Ldm5kcryUQxLubMmMCj5o0n+JSLVGRCL0wm8=";
   nixpkgs = import nixpkgsSrc {
     config.allowUnfree = true;
     config.allowBroken = true;
+    # Nixpkgs marked this package as insecure.
+    # We need it for HTML-to-PDF conversion.
+    config.permittedInsecurePackages = [
+      "qtwebkit-5.212.0-alpha4"
+    ];
   resForPkgs = pkgs: fix (self: (readTree rec {