signage: bring in from external repo

This is b28e6f07aa48f1e2f01eb37bffa180f97a7b03bd from We only keep code
commited by inf and q3k, and we're both now licensing this code under
the ISC license, as per COPYING in the root of hscloud.

Change-Id: Ibeee2e6923605e4b1a17a1d295867c056863ef59
Reviewed-by: informatic <>
Reviewed-by: q3k <>
diff --git a/hswaw/signage/vendor/lurker.lua b/hswaw/signage/vendor/lurker.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9200ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hswaw/signage/vendor/lurker.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+-- lurker
+-- Copyright (c) 2018 rxi
+-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+-- under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+-- Assumes lume is in the same directory as this file if it does not exist
+-- as a global
+local lume = rawget(_G, "lume") or require((...):gsub("[^/.\\]+$", "lume"))
+local lurker = { _version = "1.0.1" }
+local dir = love.filesystem.enumerate or love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems
+local time = love.timer.getTime or os.time
+local function isdir(path)
+    local info = love.filesystem.getInfo(path)
+    return info.type == "directory"
+local function lastmodified(path)
+    local info = love.filesystem.getInfo(path, "file")
+    return info.modtime
+local lovecallbacknames = {
+  "update",
+  "load",
+  "draw",
+  "mousepressed",
+  "mousereleased",
+  "keypressed",
+  "keyreleased",
+  "focus",
+  "quit",
+function lurker.init()
+  lurker.print("Initing lurker")
+  lurker.path = "."
+  lurker.preswap = function() end
+  lurker.postswap = function() end
+  lurker.interval = .5
+  lurker.protected = true
+  lurker.quiet = false
+  lurker.lastscan = 0
+  lurker.lasterrorfile = nil
+  lurker.files = {}
+  lurker.funcwrappers = {}
+  lurker.lovefuncs = {}
+  lurker.state = "init"
+  lume.each(lurker.getchanged(), lurker.resetfile)
+  return lurker
+function lurker.print(...)
+  print("[lurker] " .. lume.format(...))
+function lurker.listdir(path, recursive, skipdotfiles)
+  path = (path == ".") and "" or path
+  local function fullpath(x) return path .. "/" .. x end
+  local t = {}
+  for _, f in pairs(, fullpath)) do
+    if not skipdotfiles or not f:match("/%.[^/]*$") then
+      if recursive and isdir(f) then
+        t = lume.concat(t, lurker.listdir(f, true, true))
+      else
+        table.insert(t, lume.trim(f, "/"))
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  return t
+function lurker.initwrappers()
+  for _, v in pairs(lovecallbacknames) do
+    lurker.funcwrappers[v] = function(...)
+      local args = {...}
+      xpcall(function()
+        return lurker.lovefuncs[v] and lurker.lovefuncs[v](unpack(args))
+      end, lurker.onerror)
+    end
+    lurker.lovefuncs[v] = love[v]
+  end
+  lurker.updatewrappers()
+function lurker.updatewrappers()
+  for _, v in pairs(lovecallbacknames) do
+    if love[v] ~= lurker.funcwrappers[v] then
+      lurker.lovefuncs[v] = love[v]
+      love[v] = lurker.funcwrappers[v]
+    end
+  end
+function lurker.onerror(e, nostacktrace)
+  lurker.print("An error occurred; switching to error state")
+  lurker.state = "error"
+  -- Release mouse
+  local setgrab = love.mouse.setGrab or love.mouse.setGrabbed
+  setgrab(false)
+  -- Set up callbacks
+  for _, v in pairs(lovecallbacknames) do
+    love[v] = function() end
+  end
+  love.update = lurker.update
+  love.keypressed = function(k)
+    if k == "escape" then
+      lurker.print("Exiting...")
+      love.event.quit()
+    end
+  end
+  local stacktrace = nostacktrace and "" or
+                     lume.trim((debug.traceback("", 2):gsub("\t", "")))
+  local msg = lume.format("{1}\n\n{2}", {e, stacktrace})
+  local colors = {
+    { lume.color("#1e1e2c", 256) },
+    { lume.color("#f0a3a3", 256) },
+    { lume.color("#92b5b0", 256) },
+    { lume.color("#66666a", 256) },
+    { lume.color("#cdcdcd", 256) },
+  }
+  love.draw = function()
+    local pad = 25
+    local width =
+    local function drawhr(pos, color1, color2)
+      local animpos = lume.smooth(pad, width - pad - 8, lume.pingpong(time()))
+      if color1 then end
+"fill", pad, pos, width - pad*2, 1)
+      if color2 then end
+"fill", animpos, pos, 8, 1)
+    end
+    local function drawtext(str, x, y, color, limit)
+[limit and "printf" or "print"](str, x, y, limit)
+    end
+    drawtext("An error has occurred", pad, pad, colors[2])
+    drawtext("lurker", width -"lurker") -
+             pad, pad, colors[4])
+    drawhr(pad + 32, colors[4], colors[5])
+    drawtext("If you fix the problem and update the file the program will " ..
+             "resume", pad, pad + 46, colors[3])
+    drawhr(pad + 72, colors[4], colors[5])
+    drawtext(msg, pad, pad + 90, colors[5], width - pad * 2)
+  end
+function lurker.exitinitstate()
+  lurker.state = "normal"
+  if lurker.protected then
+    lurker.initwrappers()
+  end
+function lurker.exiterrorstate()
+  lurker.state = "normal"
+  for _, v in pairs(lovecallbacknames) do
+    love[v] = lurker.funcwrappers[v]
+  end
+function lurker.update()
+  if lurker.state == "init" then
+    lurker.exitinitstate()
+  end
+  local diff = time() - lurker.lastscan
+  if diff > lurker.interval then
+    lurker.lastscan = lurker.lastscan + diff
+    local changed = lurker.scan()
+    if #changed > 0 and lurker.lasterrorfile then
+      local f = lurker.lasterrorfile
+      lurker.lasterrorfile = nil
+      lurker.hotswapfile(f)
+    end
+  end
+function lurker.getchanged()
+  local function fn(f)
+    return f:match("%.lua$") and lurker.files[f] ~= lastmodified(f)
+  end
+  return lume.filter(lurker.listdir(lurker.path, true, true), fn)
+function lurker.modname(f)
+  return (f:gsub("%.lua$", ""):gsub("[/\\]", "."))
+function lurker.resetfile(f)
+  lurker.files[f] = lastmodified(f)
+function lurker.hotswapfile(f)
+  lurker.print("Hotswapping '{1}'...", {f})
+  if lurker.state == "error" then
+    lurker.exiterrorstate()
+  end
+  if lurker.preswap(f) then
+    lurker.print("Hotswap of '{1}' aborted by preswap", {f})
+    lurker.resetfile(f)
+    return
+  end
+  local modname = lurker.modname(f)
+  local t, ok, err = lume.time(lume.hotswap, modname)
+  if ok then
+    lurker.print("Swapped '{1}' in {2} secs", {f, t})
+  else
+    lurker.print("Failed to swap '{1}' : {2}", {f, err})
+    if not lurker.quiet and lurker.protected then
+      lurker.lasterrorfile = f
+      lurker.onerror(err, true)
+      lurker.resetfile(f)
+      return
+    end
+  end
+  lurker.resetfile(f)
+  lurker.postswap(f)
+  if lurker.protected then
+    lurker.updatewrappers()
+  end
+function lurker.scan()
+  if lurker.state == "init" then
+    lurker.exitinitstate()
+  end
+  local changed = lurker.getchanged()
+  lume.each(changed, lurker.hotswapfile)
+  return changed
+return lurker.init()